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1999 V70

Tak Kovacs

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I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right place. I'm about to go look at a 1999 V70 that the owner claims runs good. My only worry is the 299,000 on the odometer. I'm pretty sure I can talk it down to around 750 dollars, but I'm worried that I should go for something with lower mileage and just shell out the extra grand plus to do so. I'm driving out to look at it in an hour. I figure for less than a thousand I could do alot worse, and as long as I cant find any leaks or smoking then I can probably get another 100k out of it before I need to worry too much. Any advice?

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i couldnt get him below 900 lol. but i brought it home to get it checked out. 70 miles up to 80mps and no real hiccups that i could tell. rain part of the way.she's a creaky old girl but still seems to have plenty of life left. there are alot of lights on the dash, but that seems to be just about every volvo from that era i've been in. other than a ton of little stuff i think this is gonna be a good buy for my intown driving ride. if anyone has any advice on things to check out still though, im all ears.

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The weird thing is, anything with lower mileage will still require the same things this high mileage car will. It kind of evens out anyway. I guess there's a higher risk of outright failure in the engine/transmission, but other than that it's just replacing parts.

You could probably offer $750, walk away, and they'd call you back in a day or two.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I probably could have done that except the dude literally was moving to California the next day. Would have thought this was BS, but he let me take the car, sent me the title and everything without seeing a dime of money. Nice kid.

Anyhow, so far all i've done is replace the rear brakes and have put almost 1,000 miles on it already. The transmission is a little rough feeling, but im hoping with some new fluid and a little babying it'll last a little while. the oil level hasnt dropped at all, which is amazing (i expected some burnoff, he even told me there would be some) and the front end still needs work which seems to be a thing with every Volvo ever, so yeah. At 900 this thing was a steal for what i need it for, which is just intown grocery getting and work transport.

i'm sure i'll be asking alot of questions on here since i plan to use this car to learn to fix em myself! =)

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