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Bing! Soundstage/kick Panels

Guest Guest_tallpin0y_*

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Guest Guest_tallpin0y_*

Are you still selling kick panels for 850's? Are they that much more impressive in terms of sq and sound stage as opposed to just having infinity references in front? I hear that the best sound stage and imaging comes when the sound comes from directly in front of you...and when you can picture the location of the singer in respect to the rest of the instruments/band.

Is there somewhere I can download a piece of music that can help you "calibrate" or image your speakers? I don't know if you can tweak your speakers based on listening to the radio/cd.. :blink:

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well, of course i think in terms of sq, kicks is way better htan our stock locations, but, you can feel free to ask other members of their opinions...all in all, due to various listening tastes and equipment, some members will enjoy the kicks more hta nothers, but I think most would agree they are a huge step up from the stock locations and what ever sepakres you can fit into them...

as far as building htem? yeah, acutally i made two floor molds of my car, so i will still be able to build kicks even after insatllation of my own system...

but please register already :)


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I love my kicks (thanks Bing)

They greatly improved the imaging in my car. When I listen to a song that has a part panned all the way to one channel, it is like I am only hearing it in one ear. Kind of like headphones, but in my car :) I think it is great, and it seems overall more simple than messing with time correction or whatever it is called. The hardest part was mounting the things in my car, which wasn't horribly difficult, but of course, who wants to drill holes in their car? The difference was worth the extra work.


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i would say our cars really can benefit from kicks more so than most other cars...the reasons:

1. the stock location can only accomodate a rather shallow 5.25"

2. the stock location is way up high ont he door, near the dash, a horrible place for imaging

on cars iwth big cavities that can fit 6.5" down low that the door, i would say for 99 percent of hte listenters, it should be enough, but our cars is a different story :)


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I have heard some kicks that bing made for my friend's 2002 Civic. The difference in sound quality and imaging is nothing less than STUNNING!. Anyone should be able to notice the differences. Since the speakers are pointed at the listeners rather than each other, the sound waves don't bounce off the opposite door like they do in the stock locations. This vastly improves stereo seperation.. Like someone said, it's much more like listening to music through headphones.

If you enjoy listening to music, you won't be dissapointed with Bing's kicks. I can't wait for my set to arrive!

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as far as building htem?  yeah, acutally i made two floor molds of my car, so i will still be able to build kicks even after insatllation of my own system...

but please register already :)


Where do I register? I'd like a set this summer so I want to sign up now. Thanks.

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