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Klok, you're new to Volvospeed so allow us to educate you on the etiquette of this site. Racing stories have one particular forum, located here:


There are rules to that forum though so make sure you read them:

 '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>

Second, what you're showing wasn't really a race but just you weaving in and out of traffic at high speed and there happened to be a Camaro driving in your vicinity.

Third, racing is not really smiled upon here if it involves the street. Highway racing in traffic is equally stupid.

Contrary to VS policies. Should be deleted or moved to the correct forum.

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Sure thing, I will delete the page and keep the video on my youtube channel thanks!

i do not need you're insults however, stick to giving useful information to new guys like myself but please refrain from ignorant comment's such as:

FU^^ Thanks SurVolvo But I'm married! :-P

Burn-E "Second, what you're showing wasn't really a race but just you weaving in and out of traffic at high speed and there happened to be a Camaro driving in your vicinity"

Me "Muscle Car Finally" I catch up.. Taunt with a blow by... He returns the favor, we line up for a 50 roll and go... How is this not a race!

I track my car weekly but if you want to tell me that you don't enjoy a good highway battle of the balls then you sir are not being honest with yourself!



"etiquette" Volvospeed has none lol

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Check my Profile, I've posted them! Haven't had it on a dyno sense the trans swap and re-tune for even bigger injectors but I can tell I sure hasn't lost anything!

I'll be getting her on the dyno before December, Still working on the dry sump system before we crank things up more!

::Side note::

I've worked extremely hard to build this car, even harder to learn how to tune them, I don't see anyone else posting anything even close when compared, beside the already noted builds on this forum!

My goal is perfection so that i can share the love and do more build's... for self and others!

If you don't want that, Fine, Go else where!

If you do want to see more, Stick around - or subscribe


Want a lesson on etiquette... Watch my video a few more times and see how polite and nice we were with one another!

Thumbs up and congratulations instead of... Well just start from the Top ^^^^

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Want a lesson on etiquette... Watch my video a few more times and see how polite and nice we were with one another!

Since we are on the subject of lessons ...

This thread is stupid.

Not as stupid as this guy posting pictures of his identifiable face (while driving, filming, and street racing all at once), the make, color, and model of his car, his license plate number, and the city the lives in.


Perhaps some anonymous person might want to contact your local PD if you continue to be an asshat on this forum while endangering your life and the lives of others by being a douche on the road.

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You are about as stupid as you sound, and if you want to make a bold threat like that go for it buddy!

the only people being an "Asshat" is the person making stupid teenage style threats over the internet!

I'm one video out of ten million on youtube, there is a thing called circumstantial evidence, Also, No victim - no crime!

People with views like you are whats wrong with the world!

You race you're car and you know it, we all do, Or else what is point of a site called volvoSPEED....?

Oh that's right ... So you guy's can give conflicting advice to new comers!

Pound sand!

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