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Everything I'm saying, Said, and will say is legit!

Am I getting equally frustrated - yes

Trying to hard, I guess your right. I thought I knew why but I don't anymore!

I could be out having fun, I do a lot! Even try to share it.

I can understand why you would not want the video directly posted, consider my eyes opened to that!

So I shared a link to my channel. No harm in that at all!

I thought we all had the same passion... I should have known better, It's no secret that Volvospeed is full of obnoxious douche nozzles!

(Self included so put the preparation h down)

Please... (I can't be anymore legit) Don't feel sorry for me... Pity just enables & excuses weakness!


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A lot of the flack he's catching is earned. But am I the only one who thought the video wasn't that bad? Seemed like a 3 out of 10 on the asshattery scale. His internet-social skills are that of a drunk though.

It was bad. He was on a public highway, egging people on. Cutting through traffic at high speeds. What if someone made a sudden lane change in front of him. What if he were to lose control. I know its "what ifs" but that is the problem with "racing" on a public road, in middle of the day, with innocent people all around him. His stupid choices could seriously injure or kill someone. I have zero tolerance for that shit as is just due to what I have seen, but even more so now that I have a kid.

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What if the earth explodes?

What if you had break failure and died tomorrow?

What if your roof fell in a crushed you while you were sleeping?

What if I have another stroke?

Well... glad I've been enjoying life!

I feel in more danger during my morning commute, with people updating their status to "Crashing into wall" on their damn phone's!

Not looking and just obliviously changing lanes...

The Video is Rad and you know it. The guys were giving me thumbs up (all of which I could see when I got home on the GoPro so I payed more attention to traffic.

And I'm not a super rapid lane changer... I hate that crap! We were clearing a good straight for a pull, Lane on the right was ending when I was in the right lane...

You talk as if you were there! My mom's been in the car through worse then that!


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