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M43 Tuning Salvation, Free For Personal Use.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is simply awesome!

I have a eurospec 97` 850R Auto, Motronic 4.3, only one O2 sensor pre cat, no sas nor EGR.

Can I go ahead buy myself an 4.3 Auto ECU, say a T5 95 model and work it from there or does the ECU have to be from the same model year?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Time for a bit of an update.

I've been busy working out some more stuff, and decided to make another release.

There where a few things I wanted to sort out with this release.

M43 is notorious for it's inability to control boost effectively according to some posts in this forum. It tends to spike with fast spooling turbo's and doesn't keep boost very stable.

As we now know m43 is also load based and controls the turbo to meet this target load. When looking at my logs I noticed that the tcv always comes in at a very high duty cycle at low revs.

You can see that happening here:


TCV in blue, load in green.

Here TCV duty comes in at 75%. This is before the turbo actually starts to spool. What you can see afterwards is that the load overshoots the target (boost spike).

The ECU goes 'ohdamn' and drops the tcv duty rapidly, which results in undershoot. Load isn't very stable as you can see.

We know that m44 has a tcv duty pilot control map which determines the tcv duty the system uses as a starting point.

It then proceeds to iterate on this starting value to reach desired load.

I thought m43 didn't have such a table, but after some searching I found out it actually does!

Here it is:


It's alot smaller than the m44 version (only 16 cells), but itcan help alleviate this problem tremendously.

After changing the first three values to 40% this is what the load progression looked like:


No more overshoot, and a much smoother load progression. The dip at the very last part of the load graph is actually dictated by the stock load request map to stay within the maf limits.

Finetuning this table will help alot when tuning for stable boost control.

Knowing how the lookups work, and where to find this table, I'm contemplating to change this to a 2d table using rpm and throttle angle as axes as in m44.

I might do this in the future, it would be awesome to find out if I can actually make that work.

In order for me to find this table I first had to understand how map lookups work in m43.

After figuring this out I could find my way from known tables to their corresponding functions and vice versa.

This brings me to the next set of mods I made.

Upon detecting WOT, m43 will do several things, like switching to a WOT ign map, applying WOT enrichment.

Because this may not be desirable, I thought of a way to disable WOT detection.

I soon realised this may bring complications with WOT functions still unknown, so I chose a different approach.

I made my own functions which read some flash locations (software switches if you like) and disables the WOT enrichment, and WOT ignition tables based on those.

In short, you can now disable both the WOT enrichment and the WOT ignition tables seperately in TunerPro.

Be careful with this though, you have to account for this in the normal ignition and fueling tables!

I also found the closed loop lambda control threshold map. This is quite useful, as you can use it to disable fuel trims for injector calibration, by zeroeing it out.

To finish up, I also found an ADC channel to use with logging. It uses ECU pin B31, and can measure 0-5 volts.

People using an ECU from a car without EGR (like me) have to make a small modification to the ECU PCB for this.

You need to solder a 10k ohm smd (1206 package) resistor to the back of the PCB on the R222 pads:


People with EGR should already have a resistor there. I'm not sure if the signal will be linear for people with EGR. Someone has to test this.

After soldering the resistor to mine, it was perfectly linear though. I used it to log my wideband.

Speaking of which, I also developed wideband fueling control for m43, but I'm not releasing this yet.

Although it seems to work perfectly, it requires further testing still.

I will post up the new files in a minute (both manual and auto).

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Per usual, awesome work and much appreciated!!

I also developed wideband fueling control for m43, but I'm not releasing this yet.

Although it seems to work perfectly, it requires further testing still.

On the WB regulation/control topic, I am very interested in learning more. Awhile back Piet mentioned he had it working on M4.4, but then the topic went quiet. Do you know if that's available for public consumption?

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Im running a M4.4 in my 850 but my curiosity to this project over wins and started a M4.3 project!

First of all looked to the bin and XDF.

@Maarten: I think there is something not right in youre XDF = in the ignition map is upside down or something…. Correct me if im wrong but the upper RPM values are listed in de lower RPM and visa versa.

EDIT: and mirrored like it seems

Have 2 M4.3 ECU on the shelf = the original that came with the car (T-5 ´96 #0 261 200 549 hmm sounds familiar) and an old TurboTuner ECU I used the years before in ran the M4.4.

Couse the TT is already equipped with an Ostrich and im not using it anymore I just tried the connect and flash the “Maarten” M4.3 bin.

TunerPro recognized the Ostrich and the bin flashed in to it, put it in the Volvo and it runs!! Me happy!

Im having an Ostrich equipped M4.3 now :P

When I have some more time im gona give it a firm testrun and play with the settings a bit!

To be continued…

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A highly upgraded turbotuner ECU :)

With the same functionality as the modified M44 of tuners rejoice, including the same extended logging capabilities and better mapping with tunerpro.

Concerning the widebandcontrol: It performs excellently.

We have found a way to add sixteen extra logging channels to the ECU without using an extra microcontroller like an arduino.

The data of these 16 extra channels are read by the microcotroller of the ECU itself.

Advantage of this method is that the data of these extra channels becomes available in the bin, making extra functionality possible.

For example: an EGT treshold, when EGT gets higher then a certain maximum (set by the user), requested load will be reduced as a safety measure.

We are thinking of selling prepared ECUs (M4.3 and M4.4), with a build in ostrich and build in 16 extra logging channels

Prices will be for hardware and labor only.

Software is freeware (the already available bins for M44 and M43 are usable) a program to modify your existing bins for the extended logging will be freeware as will later software modifications also be. Widebancontrol control comes with the ECU, of course conventional smallbandcontrol wil also still be possible.

We are thinking of 3 channels for thermocouples: 1 EGT, 2 IAT; 2 or 3 boost (think of backpressure measurement); 6 or 7 analog channels (think of fuelpressure, oilpressure, oiltemperature, automatic mapswitching for different fuels like LPG , ....or anything you can think of) and 4 digital channels (these will be used for later developments like a traction ....or better....wheelspin control we are trying to develop)

Two USB connectors, one for the ostrich and one for logging (a K-line to USB converter will be build in)

With this, an extra loggingsystem will be unnecessary, making this a very cost effective solution for D.I.Y. tuning.

Our modified ECU and a laptop with tunerpro installed will be all that is required.

What we defenitely will not be doing is tuning or giving tuning advices.

Its D.I.Y. or consulting tuners for that.

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Im running a M4.4 in my 850 but my curiosity to this project over wins and started a M4.3 project!

First of all looked to the bin and XDF.

@Maarten: I think there is something not right in youre XDF = in the ignition map is upside down or something…. Correct me if im wrong but the upper RPM values are listed in de lower RPM and visa versa.

EDIT: and mirrored like it seems

It would seem so at first glance, but if you compare the ign angle in your logs with the cells in the table using the trace function you will find out they are actually correct.

One thing that might be confusing is that the rpm axis looks upside down in respect to the m44 maps.

When looking at your logs, also keep an eye on the ram_20 parameter.

A value of 33 means wot is detected, and m43 will use the wot ign map unless that's disabled ofc.

A value of 34 means idle or decel. 32 means part load.

I also saw it spike at some points on knock events, so I'm trying to trace this in the bin.

Maybe it can also be used to discern actual knock retard from adaptive knock retard.

btw, one of the first mods I would try is setting those first 3 TCV pilot cells to 40% or so. This will make your load curve way more stable. Gotta play with it to find the optimum value ofc.

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