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Oil Leak - Not Cam Seals, Rms Or Oil Cap - Looking For Other Common Areas


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I have a 1998 V70 T5 that has an oil leak that appears to come from the front of the block and I am trying to track down probable areas I should focus on. Is the PCV system the main area where oil would leak in that area? The leak is leaving a small spot on the driveway overnight and the oil pan is covered with oil. The PCV system is about 7000 miles old, so I am fairly certain it is not clogged. I also have vacuum at the dipstick tube and zero smoke from it.


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Dipstick tube o-ring? It can easily leak and make a mess. If there has been a leak for a while there may just be tons of residual oil everywhere and it may be almost impossible to truly diagnose. I'd start with de-greaser to clean it all up and start with a blank slate, it should be easier to spot the leak when everything has been cleaned.

Or, another idea, Oil Cooler lines? maybe the junction at the block, or one of the fittings at the radiator is leaking and can make a really big mess, ask me how I know...

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Dipstick tube o-ring? It can easily leak and make a mess. If there has been a leak for a while there may just be tons of residual oil everywhere and it may be almost impossible to truly diagnose. I'd start with de-greaser to clean it all up and start with a blank slate, it should be easier to spot the leak when everything has been cleaned.

Or, another idea, Oil Cooler lines? maybe the junction at the block, or one of the fittings at the radiator is leaking and can make a really big mess, ask me how I know...

The dipstick tube o-ring at the bottom of the tube, correct? There is no leaking at the top of the dipstick, and I managed to (finally) get the oil fill cap to stop leaking. There is definitely oil everywhere, but the drips making it to the ground are small, leaving just a quarter-ish sized stain on the ground overnight.

If it is the o-ring at the bottom of the tube, how does one replace it? I will also look at the oil cooler lines. The ones at the oil cooler box at the oil pan look fine, I just cleaned that area up the other day when I noticed the oil.

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The dipstick tube is held in by one bolt under the intake manifold, reach under there to undo it then you just pull the tube up and out. The seal will stay on the tube when you remove it.

How could something possibly be that easy? Do I have to stand on my head to reach anything?

I looked last night to see where the oil is coming from and this looks like a likely place. I am really just hoping it is not the PCV.

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I will take a look when I get the car home tonight. Once I figure out where the leak is coming from I need to fix my smoking turbo issue. I have ruled out valve seals (no smoke at startup and no smoke after extended periods of idling) and the PCV system (vacuum at the dipstick - and was just replaced not long ago) so I think the turbo needs to be rebuilt. Unless anyone has a line on a known good 16T angled flange turbo...

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Well it looks like the oil leak is coming from above the dipstick tube, so I suppose it is the pcv after all.

I have never done that job before, but I suppose there is no time like the present. Should I redo the whole thing since I have to take everything apart to get to the leak anyway? The whole thing was done by the previous owner about 7000 miles ago.

I was really hoping to avoid this job.

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Well it looks like the oil leak is coming from above the dipstick tube, so I suppose it is the pcv after all.

I have never done that job before, but I suppose there is no time like the present. Should I redo the whole thing since I have to take everything apart to get to the leak anyway? The whole thing was done by the previous owner about 7000 miles ago.

I was really hoping to avoid this job.

Do everything related to the PCV (hoses, elbows, container, etc). Clean your PTC heater very well (near the turbo, where the PCV hose goes into). I would use all OEM parts. Also suggest getting yourself an Oetiker clamp tool. You can get the tool plus an assortment for not very much: http://www.amazon.com/Oetiker-18500060-Stepless-stainless-standard/dp/B008L4874S/ -- there is also another variant of the crimper that has a side-jaw built in which is imperative if you are doing the PCV job. You can get away with worm clamps, but Oetiker clamps are really nice to have.

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Before you go ahead and change the PCV, double check the oil cooler lines going to rad. Must be done with car running, idle.

They tend to leak in the metal/rubber transistion. Hard to decipher as oil leak here will be blown by wind all over front of block

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Thanks for the link. My ptc valve is brand new as I got a new one when I put in a Snabb intake. I will order the pcv kit tomorrow and try to tackle this next weekend.

I can see fresh oil leaking down the front of the block from above and bit to the right of the dipstick tube coming from under the intake manifold. I will double check the oil cooler lines as well.

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If the PO did PCV 7,000 miles ago then the parts are basically brand new. Do you know if they are decent quality parts and/or what was replaced? Could easily save yourself $100 or so if you do ...

Sounds like the drain into the block is clogged, or maybe the hoses are reversed at the oil trap.

The oil pressure sending unit (as mentioned above) is above the dip stick hole, be sure you check that too.

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I saw the oil pressure sending unit and that is not where the leak is coming from.

I will get in touch with the PO, but he is a Volvo tech, so I would imagine that the parts are Volvo. Everything else appears to be high quality. I am frustrated that the leak is present at all. It wasn't there when I bought the car, and I assumed with the recent work it would be good for a while. I don't mind spending the money since I want to hang in to the car for a couple years at least.

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I would check your oil cooler lines. The area where the metal crimps to the rubber midsection likes to leak on these cars. The one on the passenger side of the block that runs from the top of the radiator down to the side of the block would be a good one to check. If it looks wet then there is your leak.

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