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S60, 2.4T, 2002, AWD problem


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Hi guys...

I need some expert who can help me fixing my non-working awd on my s60.

On car is haldex 1.st. gen.

I own '08 S80 2.5t, and then I needed a second car, so I bought s60 with awd........

When I picked the car I knew that the awd is not woking and I get the better price for car.

I have garage and tools....

First i lift the whole car in air and did some awd test described in vida...

I put car in D and released the brake....all wheels are spinning.....I hold accelerator pedal until 80-90 km/h put car in N and pulled the handbrake....in vida says that rear wheels must stop while front still sppining...but when I pulled the hand brake in my case all wheels stopped...vida says "problem in control valve".

Ok....I remove AOC from diff, clean housing, pump working,cleaned dem,change filter, oil and put all back.

On same test, I pulled hand brake...rear stopped front spinning....great...I did it ! But...

When I did test ride on mudd, same thing...awd not working...only front wheels are spinning...

Ok, car back to garage....

Now I only lifted front wheels in air and tryed to start...nothing...I pressed some gas and then I heard noise and vibrations from rear ...then I put friend in car to do the same and I was looking from bottom...he pressed gas pedal and I noticed vibrations and noise from rear diff.

Ok ... I removed the whole diff with aoc and put in parts... in rear diff all bearings and other is in great condition...

And now I don't know is there problem in aoc? Dem? Pump with low pressure ?

Any suggestions?

Sorry for bad english...I am from Croatia...


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What codes did you have stored? I've seen lots of problems with the rear diff on these. Weak DEM pumps, the temp sensor, the AOC itself has worn clutches, outdated software. How did the fluid look when you pulled the AOC? Was there the proper level before and after you took it apart? Need more info.

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There is no any error code...

I measured temp. sensor in dem with multimeter...dont remember the values but seems to be ok.

I take apart the whole aoc clutch...clutches looks fine (gold color)

About software I don't know...

Oil was black but clean without any metal peaces....level was ok....filter was muddy...

When I changed the oil on first aoc removal, I drived some 1 month...until yesterday...when I pulled aoc yesterday oil was like new...clean yellow color...

I have feeling, when testing...that a long period is need to turn rear wheels...when is all car in air...

And when is only rear wheels on ground, I am having feeling like the clutch is weak, does not have power to turn rear wheels when is on ground...

All is tooked apart...i can picture something if needed...

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It's kind of hard to tell what is actually the problem without any fault codes stored. Usually if you have AWD problems, driving the car in a figure 8 turn for a few minutes will set a fault code in the DEM. If you have no codes, might have to go shotgun method and start changing stuff. I've replaced lots of DEM oil pumps, that would be my first guess. Kind of a shot in the dark like I said though.

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Yes, and one more problem is that this is 1st gen. of haldex and I can't go to DEM in vida and test stuff....DEM is in white colour and can't open it.... (it's normal, i have already googled that)

On 2003 awd is 2nd gen of haldex and you can go to DEM in vida and see oil temp, oil pressure and so on in haldex....on 1st gen you can't do this.....

When I pull the fuse of DEM, only then I see in VIDA .... " no communication with DEM "

Some other error.....nothing

I have one question....

Haldex have own oil (75-80w gl5), and diff have own oil (80-90w)....

In diff must be 0.5 litres and more oil.....

When I put oil out from my diff there was less that 0.1 litres of oil ....can this be the problem?

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I mounted all back to car, change all oils....

Test in air....all wheels spinning

Test on mud, front spinning rear vibrations...working but doesn't have enought power to spin rear wheels...


So I assume that the aoc is faulty...if not then the dem...if not the pump ... haha

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