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Idle issue 2k v70 - (video and list of codes)


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Hey guys so I have a 2000 Volvo V70 and I just recently finished my auto to manual transmission conversion which the car seems to be running better than I expected. But I did recently noticed an issue with the idle, I'm not sure if it was because the car was sitting before I originally swap the transmissions and something could have been plugged up or a sensor could have been dirty? But I am receiving an idle issue where when the car originally warms up it will idle at its normal speed, but once the car is warm the idle speed will vary between 1000 and 1700 RPMs. To better understand the problem, please check the video I'm going to link below. The car was not doing this before I swapped the Transmissions, and it didn't start doing this till about 2 days after driving my car post swap. 

Also here are screenshots of the codes I read from the torque app, via odb2.

I tried playing with it for the past few days and it only gives me this issue when it's idling, so when I'm at a stop light the idle will just continue to bounce up and down which is very annoying and I'm pretty sure it's not good for the car.... Do you think there any vacuum lines I may have missed when I put the engine back in the car? Or is there any other sensor that could be causing an issue like this? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!

And yes I understand a bunch of the codes are for the transmission of a drivetrain related issues because I did just pull an automatic transmission out spliced the transmission harness together to get the vehicle to start and run. There's also codes for my heaters for the secondary and primary O2 sensor but after looking at the fuel to air ratio is everything seemed to be in check so I don't believe that is a major cause for this problem, but I could always be wrong. 


Also the car doesn't have a gas cap, wondering if the evap system is freaking out trying to create a vacume in the tank? 




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