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Turbo Question


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So,  question for those of you who know your turbo's. . . . . . .Picked up a 98 Safron VR. PO said it has a blown headgasket, but no signs of water in the oil. But Coolant just POURS out faster than you can put it in. So I get underneath & it looked like water was coming out of one of the turbo coolant lines. but it wasn't. . . . . . there's another port hole just below the coolant hole. Couldn't find my mirror but doesn't appear to be threaded. anyone familiar with this ?  



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From looking at your pic, it looks like the blank plug. If your under the car you have the oil inlet line in the top of the turbo, the the turbo coolant inlet/outlet then what looks like a hole where that silver plug is. which is where the water is pouring out of. I'll have to pull the turbo & see.   Thanks for info & help.

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3 hours ago, troyhyde said:

I can't imagine the cap dislodging, even with blown head gasket or other exceptional pressure events.  Make sure the banjo bolt above it which attaches to the coolant hose is tight.

Does it get below freezing in Austin? :P I'm a little skeptical that really is the problem too, but if so I bet it had something to do with water changing states.


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On May 3, 2016 at 11:48 AM, Fudge_Brownie said:

Does it get below freezing in Austin? :P I'm a little skeptical that really is the problem too, but if so I bet it had something to do with water changing states.


Yes, we get some of those frigid 31 degree nights (one or two times a year).  Probably a good train of logic on your part.....

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