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CVVT Hub Replacement (How to DIY) - P2


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After having gone through what I call a "vertical learning curve" on working with CVVT's for the first time, I decided to compile the best information I have uncovered in all my search and learn efforts into a single PDF document for my (and other's) future reference. I've already seen a couple of other threads recently where others are seeking the same information, so this will hopefully help others have a less frustrating time than I did when I was breaking new ground for myself.

If you spot errors, please let me know and I am happy to correct them. I did the best I could with what I had, and tried to give credit to all the host of others who helped me learn and compile this info.




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Very nice writeup! This varies a bit from the car I've been working on, being that it's a single CVVT '99 S70, but it's the most complete written tutorial I've seen.

Much of this applies to newer P80s with CVVT, with slight differences. I know this will be very useful to people who are having similar problem to mine and haven't torn into that yet.


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Thanks.  I'm just glad to be able to help wherever I can.  I could not have learned the little I know without lots of others investing in me with patience and answers to my sometimes endless questions, so I just want to try to help make what is sometimes hard to find information more readily available to others who need it.

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