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Is it the head gasket?


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I have decided to keep my '99 V70R that I thought had a head gasket problem. I was willing to do the gasket and spend 1000 dollars overhauling as much as I could while I was there. The only problem is that I don't seem to be losing coolant. I have most of the symptoms (haven't checked compression yet) and have  a LOT of white smoke from the exhaust (not thick) as well as water that drips where the cat meets the catback and it gets worse as I rev. I also have the milky oil, but it seems unreasonable for it to be a head gasket if I am not even losing any coolant. Also, something interesting to note is that right before I had this problem, I had an extremely loud lifter tick that went away after about 5 minutes just before I was about to park and shut off the car. I have not driven this car for ANY distance for quite a while, but have regularly started it to keep seals and stuff wet. 

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5 hours ago, Commander Riker said:

How many miles on the car?

You can test the coolant for traces of exhaust gasses.  As you mentioned, a compression check should be on the list.  

Also, there are other places where oil and coolant can meet.  The oil cooler... turbo... etc.

Ok, so the car has.... 308k miles. It's weird because the level of the oil rises after running, but the level in the coolant reservoir is about the same each time after the engine cools. I plan on doing both tests (compression/ exhaust gas). I will keep you updated.

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  • 1 month later...

Do a compression and a leakdown test. Inspect your spark plugs. Any sign of coolant in the combustion chamber will appear on the plugs. If your oil is getting milky from coolant contamination, your coolant level is going down. You can't have one without the other. Here is another easy test. Let your car sit overnight as usual. The following morning, ensure your coolant reservoir is nice and tight. Attempt to start the car or run it for 10 seconds, shut it down and go and open your coolant reservoir. If you feel any type of pressure being let out as you undo the cap, it's definitely a head gasket issue.

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