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How fast have you driven your V70R ?


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Did you take those photos yourself? I notice cruise control is on... cruise control @ 155mph and you're taking a pic ? :P wow...

Cruise is not on . . . would say "on" next to the word "cruise" if he were using it . . .

Break-in period?

What stinkin' break-in period? :rolleyes:

- Mark

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Cruise is not on . . . would say "on" next to the word "cruise" if he were using it . . .

Break-in period?

What stinkin' break-in period?

Yep, the cruise control was not on. We had been using it in the speed limited areas because it's too easy to get carried away. Besides, the cruise control has a limit of 125MPH, not that we used it at 125, we were just curious and that's where it stopped. If you are doing 155, and set it, it just goes down to 125.

Oddly enough the guys at the FDC told me there were no break-in requirements, they said we could do whatever we wanted and we were A-OK. Just to be careful we took it slow and easy until we hit the Autobahn...

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Oddly enough the guys at the FDC told me there were no break-in requirements, they said we could do whatever we wanted and we were A-OK. Just to be careful we took it slow and easy until we hit the Autobahn...

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A number of years ago, right east of Boise ID heading east on 84 a Mercedes passed me going pretty snappy.

I accelerated from my 80 MPH speed and finally caught him doing 115 MPH, I slowed down to 110 right behind him and kept it there for about 75 minutes until Burley ID (bend in the highwayand increased traffic) which brought us to 80 MPH again and then reaccelerated to 110 MPH. Kept it there for about another 10 minutes or so. I headed South on 84...he continued East on 86.

That was enough excitement for me.

So not the fastest but constant.


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You are reading my mind, thats's on the agenda for tomorrow.

If you are going down to Neuschwanstein, you may find it a bit of a let down after seeing how little of the inside of the castle is finished! But it's still worth the trip.

However, if you're in the are, you MUST go to the Kehlsteinhaus. The famous "Eagle's Nest" was a retreat given as a gift to Hitler. He only used it once, but the views are TREMENDOUS! http://www.kehlsteinhaus.com/english/

If you are in the Munich area I HIGHLY recommend going there. It's an amazing place to see, even more amazing when you think it was built in the 20's and 30's.

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Oddly enough the guys at the FDC told me there were no break-in requirements, they said we could do whatever we wanted and we were A-OK. Just to be careful we took it slow and easy until we hit the Autobahn...

We just got back from doing the same trip.....getting the R through the break-in mileage doesn't take long on the Autobahn. We were told at OSD to try to vary the engine speed but to try not to exceed 4000 rpm too much until we hit 1000 miles, which like I said didn't take too long cruising at well over 100 mph.

Drove south from Lubeck to Fussen, taking a couple of days off the Autobahn on the Romantic Road, which was nice except for the friggin' tractors on the road.

We only hit a little over 140mph on the A5 just south of the Frankfurt airport where we dropped the car off. Very very solid and comfortable cruising at 120, more than that was a little skittish but I think if I were on my own and had more than a week to get used to driving at those speeds........

This is my third R, have a 97, 2000 and now this one. Didn't think I was going to like the bigger chassis, but the 4c thing dials it in real nice. The 2000 has been about the perfect car but it didn't come in manual transmission, so now I'm even happier.

Wouldn't it be nice if people in the US paid attention to all those signs that say "slower traffic stay right" instead of taking it as a personal insult when you flash your lights at 'em? I know my 140 mph days on public roads are behind me (at least here in California), but the Euro method of leaving the left lane open sure makes for a nicer driving experience.

Last comment about driving on the Autobahn: WHEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! What a great way to break that car in!

What a wonderful bunch of roads out in the Garmisch Oberommergau BAVARIAN MOUNTAINS.

We were up there Saturday, and chose a back road to come out from Linderhoff back to Fussen via Ruetell. Cool twisty bits and straights in the meadows, and Whoa, all closed for a bike race, and can't take the last bit over to the main road to Ruetell. Gee, I had to turn around and drive all that again in the opposite direction.

Then on Monday, visiting an old friend in the Neckar Valley, nice twisty first gear hair pins on the back roads.

Independence day spent with a friend in Stuttgart, and he tipped me to A81 to Wurzburg as less traffic to Frankfurt, and so my Fourth of July Magic Mettallic Blue firecracker managed 146 MPH several times before over taking traffic called for the binders.

Very solid at speeds, and crossing bridge to pavement transitions, a little wiggle and instantly in the groove again, in the 135 mph range. Amazing CCCC, amazing shifting out of 5th at 120 plus, and so forth. What a delight!

Many pretty and fast Audi's, some new ones with all LED tail lights, and so forth. Many a perplexed scowl as they and others yeilded the fast lane to a Volvo with those weird orange tourist or what ? truck plates?? Naturally, disciplined drivers make all the difference, but in my second week here, there were not many who set up on my bumper as I passed the trucks and the cue that had lined up to pass the trucks.

So, baby tucked in with E H Harms GmbH at Frankfurt am Main for transport to Bremerhaven, and we are to return to San Francisco by air, and wait. . .

Lovely trip, and wonderful experience!

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152 mph on the A7 south of Hannover; the car was pretty fast up to the high 130s - after that, it was progressively slower to increase speed, especially above 145; this was going up a noticeable (but not steep) incline; I wanted 155 but twas not to be - it was daytime and I ran out of real estate before I could make it all the way; loads of fun although the concentration required is not to be underestimated

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I have driven mine over the past 64,000 miles numerous times over 100-135. The Florida Interstates allow you to cruise at 90, as long as there are other participants.

I see over 100 weekly, always have great tires on. After the Pirellis wore out I switched to Michelin Pilot S2s. 140 is probable the tops, I hate to look down at those speeds.

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  • 4 months later...

hummm well haven't had a chance to try the top-end of my nerve in the V70R yet, driving like a lil-girl just over 100... but I was running out of the passing lane and a curve was coming up...

but back in the day with in a 1969 Camero I did a nice quite drive from Eugene Oregon to Los Angeles Califonia in 12 hours flat... Left Eugene at 8am got to LA at 8pm, no tickets and that's something to be said with a bright orange '69 zooming down I-5. That was back when I had less brains, gas was cheaper and speed limits more flexible...

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I was buzzing along the Autobahn.....It was only a few seconds before I was at 130 mph with the Mercedes still clinging to my rear end. The fastest my car has ever been is 135 mph, which is kind of scary, even on the autobahn. At these speeds the car feels very unstable, especially during turns. Any little imperfection in the asphalt causes the rear wheels to feel like they are jumping out causing instantaneous oversteer, which lasts for only a fraction of a second but still unnerving. I was under the impression this beast was able to go 155 mph. I’m not complaining about the performance, but with how much of a handful the car is at 135, I really don’t see 155 ever happening; and don't look at your instantaneous fuel mileage when doing this. Oh, and that Mercedes… he left me in his dust.

Ok first the disclaimer that driving as fast as 135 or faster is irresponsible on USA roads. Secondly the admission that I along with many others have a fast and road worthy car. At times I like to drive the fast car fast. I have not made significant corners at speed nor do I feel qualified to do so. I have been over 140 (in sport) on an empty road and did not feel the R was unstable. It felt great..just like it is supposed to.

I have never heard or read of other whispers about instability and suspect that you had a tire, rim or some sort of other problem that needed looking into. March 20 was the post... was it a wheel?

It’s a nice vicarious thing to read about the Autobahn. Maybe someday. And perhaps in one of these too?


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