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Ss Tubular Manifolds, 3" Dps, And 3" Exhausts


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OK, one of my best friends is the owner of AutoLab in KY, and custom fabricates turbo manifolds, full kits, dps, exhausts, custom ICs and intercooler piping, fuel rails, intake manifolds, etc for Toyotas, Hondas, Mazdas, Mitsus, SRT4, Scoobies and some other stuff like Vipers and Vettes. Also builds engines and does headwork.

I was talking to him tonight and mentioned about how there's no good choices for manifold upgrades, no selection of 3" ss exhausts, and a general monopoly of performance parts for Volvos. I showed him a bunch of pics of Volvo dps, exhausts, the Pipearts manifold, etc and he said it would be a piece of cake to make any of that stuff. He actually laughed at some of what I showed him.

He said he is very serious and willing to make Volvo stuff even though I told him theres not a HUGE market for Volvos but there's a sizeable enough market to warrant making something for us. It's time to stop playing around like little lost children and get serious. We need parts like this and we needed it long ago.

He makes TOP notch stuff, and last year McLaren contacted him about coming to working for them but he turned it down because he's got a baby on the way and wanted to stay in KY with his family. This guy is good and he's a super nice guy to boot.

Here's the scoop. I told him that I will be willing to drop my car off to him and let him keep it for a few weeks or as long as he needs to come up with some dps, exhaust, and manifold upgrades for us.

Who would be interested in this sort of thing?

I talked to him about prices, and he said he makes and sells SS dps all day long just like the IPD and EST ones I showed him for $495!!!! This isn't some honeade basement stuff, this is the real deal. His dps would be 3" 321 SS, purged while welding, TIG welded, flex joints, etc. Everything is jigged, so it's perfect every time. The manifolds are super thick ss piping with 100% weld penetration. I think it's schedule 40 or C (whichever one is thicker).

I'll let the pics speak for themselves:










Anyways, his shop's site is http://www.autolabonline.com so feel free to browse there yourself. The website isn't the best but who cares since a nice website doesn't make you go fast.

- Slater

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how much would a full 3" turboback cost then?

looks really awesome  :o

It's not my company so I'm not going to make up prices for him, but he said for a catback $600 to $800 max is doable depending on what brand muffler, how many resonators, etc. Could be less than $600 though. For the down pipe he said $400-$500 probably so for a full setup you're looking at a little over a grand to no more than what IPD charges for JUST A DOWNPIPE!

He won't know for sure until he sees my car in person.

- Slater

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I'm definitely interested in a turbo-back system. I think VMS has one in the oven too, no?

No clue.

That would be great though - more choices for all of us!

BTW, for manifolds I recommended a direct stock replacement log style for internal wgs, a second one same style but with external wg option and T3 flange option, and a 3rd balls to the wall equal length tubular like PipeArts.

- Slater

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how much for a manifold with the flange the exact way and same position as the stock one ?

I have no clue. He doesn't MAKE PARTS for Volvos yet.

I am going down there in a few weeks to have him look at my car and see what he can do. Then we can talk concrete prices and configuration options.

At this point I'm just gauging interest to convince him to even MAKE this stuff for us.

The prices will be VERY competitive though. That I guarentee. This guy went to the Slater school of pricing so you get a the best parts possible for as little cash as possible. He makes everything by hand with TLC on a jig so it's not like he's trying to turn over Volvo inventory as fast as possible because he's doesn't run a Volvo performance business.

His bread and butter is the Supra and MR2 bunch. He could care less if he builds 3 or 3,000 Volvo manifolds and downpipes. It's the handful of companies that have a monopoly on Volvo parts that should be worried with what this guy cooks up.

- Slater

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I have no clue. He doesn't MAKE PARTS for Volvos yet.

I am going down there in a few weeks to have him look at my car and see what he can do. Then we can talk concrete prices and configuration options.

At this point I'm just gauging interest to convince him to even MAKE this stuff for us.

The prices will be VERY competitive though. That I guarentee. This guy went to the Slater school of pricing so you get a the best parts possible for as little cash as possible. He makes everything by hand with TLC on a jig so it's not like he's trying to turn over Volvo inventory as fast as possible because he's doesn't run a Volvo performance business.

His bread and butter is the Supra and MR2 bunch. He could care less if he builds 3 or 3,000 Volvo manifolds and downpipes. It's the handful of companies that have a monopoly on Volvo parts that should be worried with what this guy cooks up.

- Slater

Glad to hear that he couldn't care less about how many but what I want to say is the guy's an artist.

Slater, thanks for the pix. This is dammmm nice looking stuff. Note to self: Buy another T-5R :P

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