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A very nice page indeed. I went to a very liberal public school district for 13 years total and I know we never learned any of this stuff.

I'm by no means arguing against prayer in school, but America is the melting pot of the world. There is more diversity of cultures here than in any other place in the world. There is so much diversity and difference in opinion that one group of people will ALWAYS disagree with the actions of another.

On the other hand, I do think that everyone can learn a lot from scripture and that it certainly has no negative effects on it's readers. It teaches us patience, virtue, good will, selflessness, and kindness. I think the world would be a much better place with a bit more of those things.

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A very nice page indeed.  I went to a very liberal public school district for 13 years total and I know we never learned any of this stuff. 

I'm by no means arguing against prayer in school, but America is the melting pot of the world.  There is more diversity of cultures here than in any other place in the world.  There is so much diversity and difference in opinion that one group of people will ALWAYS disagree with the actions of another. 

On the other hand, I do think that everyone can learn a lot from scripture and that it certainly has no negative effects on it's readers.  It teaches us patience, virtue, good will, selflessness, and kindness.  I think the world would be a much better place with a bit more of those things.


Religion scares the bejesus out of me. Nothing like giving a mob a cause. I think I will stick with hedonism.

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I will stick with hedonism

If they had anything to do with the founding of our country and the laws that were made to run it, I'd stick with them also, however they didn't.

Nothing like giving a mob a cause.

You got me there, I like keeping it more personal, I believe it and if you want me to share about it then I will, but as a group I haven't seen lots I'd be willing to get behind. Too much history shows that the group thing just doesn't work. Seems the leaders tend to adapt things to suit their needs. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

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If they had anything to do with the founding of our country and the laws that were made to run it, I'd stick with them also, however they didn't.

You got me there, I like keeping it more personal, I believe it and if you want me to share about it then I will, but as a group I haven't seen lots I'd be willing to get behind. Too much history shows that the group thing just doesn't work. Seems the leaders tend to adapt things to suit their needs. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

rich, i am in agreement with you. and as far as that graphic, i hate crap like that. American evangelicalism has cheapened Christianity by turning the Gospel into pure morality. the people that Jesus himself got along the worst with was two factions in the Jewish church, the pharasees and the saducees. i cant think of any other modern day group that more resembles the pharasees than the mainstream american evangelicals. they put a burden on people that is not what the Bible talks about. the entire Gospel revolves around loving Christ, not going to church, listening to Christian music, watching awful and corny Christian movies, wearing shirts with ripped off ideas, or any other crap like that.

i went to a private Christian high school which was exactly like that. they encouraged people to not listen to bad music or watch bad movies, and basically suggested that Christians remove themselves from the culture and sit in ivory towers, and not smoke or drink.

the saduccees were the complete opposite...basically said that truth does not exist, etc etc etc

the Gospel is so intensely personal, and it pains me to see people on tv and on street corners condemning people to hell. don't get me wrong, my faith is my life, and i am living a changed life.

i definitley do not think that Christianity should be forced on people, because it can't. only the outward practice of it could be possibly be enforced, but i cannot think of anything worse than an entire society of people acting like they are Christians...i had enough of that in high school. you can't regulate people's faith. i do however find it frightening that Christianity is being removed from all public arenas. there have been plenty of stories that have circulated around that are kinda shocking that these things could be happening in the united states.

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until we learn to get along none of us will have our way.

to those who say they are displeased write the politicians you have elected. this nation was not founded on passivism.

Darn right, it was founded on oppression. Less for us, more for everyone who was here before us.

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that is the most rediculous and ignorant site i have seen in a long time. what are you supposed to do if you are not a christian? i hate religious people who have aboslutely not respect for other religions. Whatever happened to "Love thy neighbor"? Why should a jew, or muslim have to learn about christianity in school? If someone wants their children to learn about religion in school, they should send them to a private school.

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that is the most rediculous and ignorant site i have seen in a long time.  what are you supposed to do if you are not a christian?  i hate religious people who have aboslutely not respect for other religions.  Whatever happened to "Love thy neighbor"?  Why should a jew, or muslim have to learn about christianity in school?  If someone wants their children to learn about religion in school, they should send them to a private school.

I have no problem with religion in school if they teach all religion. I mean lets face it. Religion is like mythology, or history more than anything else. Does anyone really believe Jesus rose from the dead?

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That's one way to kill the topic, but yes.

The scientist in me denys it, but in every way, I can say that I have to believe.

There's also the issue of the bible itself being lost in tranlation, but let's not get into that.

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That is a big reason why I believe not in the Catholic religion, Teresa. They govern how you should live your live and if you don't follow it then you go to this so -called hell. Don't be happy... thats self hedonism. Don't so this don't do that. Religion to me is treating people with the respect they deserve no matter what sexuality or race or opinoin. So if god "crucifies" me for that, then there is no god. If god sees the good in what people do, then a god becomes reasonable in my view.

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