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Door Speaker Wiring Help

264 Freq

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I just got some new speakers and a deck for my '78 264GLE. The front door speakers are old and ripped, so they buzz when I try to play my music louder than the road noise on the freeway. I was able to unplug the speaker wires from the back speakers and plug those into my Bostons, which sound amazing. However, my Sony deck (as well as the stock Volvo radio) only have left and right speaker outs. So unless I'm a complete retard, that's 2 speaker outputs, and 4 speakers. Is there an amp that came stock? I wanna steal the power from the doors to give power to another set of speakers I have (all my new speakers are in wooden speaker boxes that sit in the back seat, not installed into the car). I do have an amp, which would solve this problem, but my deck doesn't have RCA outs, and my amp doesn't have speaker-level ins.


Also, could I get 2 of the channels to power my Bostons, and use the 2 others to power a small sub (just a few inches), or would I still need a new amp (the sub channel on mine doesn't work, I'm told)?

Edit> Could it be a parallel wiring job? I was thinking about that, but wouldn't that lower the ohms too far for the deck?

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