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Is Starving Someone To Death Humane?


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let the poor woman die. She's not going to "feel" herself starving and suffering because she is brain dead. If someone has no hope of waking up, just let them move on. I understand her parents position but keeping her alive for 15 years by machines seems much worse than letting her die 15 years ago.

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Does the fact that her husband has lived with another woman and has 2 children with her have any bearing on this case ?...I seem to remeber that adultry was prosecuted at one time in this country .... I doubt it is any more ... just a reason for sueing for divorce . It also appears to me that He won a law suite of malpractice as a result of Terri winding up in this state . And now after a number of years claims to remeber a conversation way back when .

Some how I think there is much more to this scenario than what meets the press ....

Should a Life centered society allow a person to starve to death ... I would hope not .

As some one else asked if it's oh kay in this situation why not do it for death row prisoners ...would save on the elec. bill or the chemicals for the injection ..... might give new meaning to last meal .

I've rasied a lot of animals and taken care of a great many of different ones in different situations ....I've never been one to allow an animal to suffer for lack of food .

I've gone to some great effort to help animals heal / get better ....and on those occasions when no hope was insight ... put them down . Never a bright spot in the day .... However I know that I would rather be put down than to strave to death .

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Um in all technicall terms he is widowed. If she would have died, like she wanted to when it first happened(extraordinary mean)(so they discussed) then he would be a widow like any other man with out his wife. Is he not allowed to move on? I mean after all 15 years is a long time.

The mal practice money he won (1 millinion dollars) is gone. Due to lawyer fees (lawyer not paid for 2 years) and hospital fees. You have an idea of how much fees are for that stuff, even with insurance?

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Just like to add that the state is not deciding.  He husband made the call, not the state.  That was Texas and a 6month old and that was last week.  And no one even noticed that.

The reason I say it was the state deciding is because in order for a person on life support who has hope to be terminated you have to have prior record that that was their wish. There is no prior record of this. In fact given Terrri's strong Catholic faith and testimony of friends they say that she would want to live. The only thing the court is basing its decision on is the fact that her husband (who has 2 kids with another women and tried to hide this fact) said, around 7-8 years after the fact, that he remembered a conversation that she said she wouldn't want to have extraordinary means taken to keep her alive. Terri is not on life support and is NOT brain dead. She used to be able to communicate and is responsive to her parents. She is awake and can open her eyes and her expressions change. Doctor's say with therapy (which has been denied by her husband) she could get better and may be even able to feed herself. Do you know that they haven't even taken a cat scan to see what her brain looks like? The husband won't let anybody do that. If she was so bad off why not take a scan and get everything out in the open? The doctor on record only examined her for 45 minutes and came up with his conclusion that she was PVS. Seems like you would need more data than that to put somebody to death.

There are more than a few things that don't add up in this case. I don't see why she can't be fed until a new look at the facts are taken by a federal court to see if the case was mishandled. If they determine it wasn't then the husband can have his way and starve his wife to death. And yes she is aware enough to feel it. If they were wrong then her parents get to take care of her.

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Well after they got married terris husband became her gaurdian, over her parents even.

Yeah they took a cat scan to see what her brain looks like... they even had it next to a normal cat scan.

Besides the 45 minutes... how does 15 years sound?

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The reason I say it was the state deciding is because in order for a person on life support who has hope to be terminated you have to have prior record that that was their wish. There is no prior record of this. In fact given Terrri's strong Catholic faith and testimony of friends they say that she would want to live. The only thing the court is basing its decision on is the fact that her husband (who has 2 kids with another women and tried to hide this fact) said, around 7-8 years after the fact, that he remembered a conversation that she said she wouldn't want to have extraordinary means taken to keep her alive. Terri is not on life support and is NOT brain dead. She used to be able to communicate and is responsive to her parents. She is awake and can open her eyes and her expressions change. Doctor's say with therapy (which has been denied by her husband) she could get better and may be even able to feed herself. Do you know that they haven't even taken a cat scan to see what her brain looks like? The husband won't let anybody do that. If she was so bad off why not take a scan and get everything out in the open? The doctor on record only examined her for 45 minutes and came up with his conclusion that she was PVS. Seems like you would need more data than that to put somebody to death.

There are more than a few things that don't add up in this case. I don't see why she can't be fed until a new look at the facts are taken by a federal court to see if the case was mishandled. If they determine it wasn't then the husband can have his way and starve his wife to death. And yes she is aware enough to feel it. If they were wrong then her parents get to take care of her.

Depends on the state. I say kill em all. Kill everything. If they are religious and they were good they go to heaven. If they were religion and they were bad they burn in hell. If they were science minded than their already dead, and don't know it. Pull the tube, die now!!!!! I am missing out on good news stories watching this crap.

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Depends on the state. I say kill em all. Kill everything. If they are religious and they were good they go to heaven. If they were religion and they were bad they burn in hell. If they were science minded than their already dead, and don't know it. Pull the tube, die now!!!!! I am missing out on good news stories watching this crap.

:blink::blink::o :lol:

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