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Where Did The Bass Go?

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Set the EQ's in iTunes. ;)

Use the line level out if you can... not sure if you can on the shuffle.

Holy butt-monkeys, Batman! I forgot all about that silly EQ. That made my ride rock. :D

However, the iPod shuffle only has headphone-out, which I guess it amped or pre-amped?

One thing I noticed (that's extremely obvious, I just forgot because I'm used to it) is the deck emits a buzzing sound when I have the tape adapter playing. The speakers also buzz at low volumes and when there's no music playing (which is rare enough, but the cause/symptom of problems?).

Oh if your using a tape, turn the dolby off, that helps.

My deck doesn't have an (obvious?) option to turn the DD off. There's not even a DD symbol on the deck.

Edit> Yay pictures! :D


See? Wires are easy enough to get to (but I also don't have a face plate for the deck :()


How dramatic is this picture of my speakers?! :o


Sony EXR-200. There is nothing about this deck online. :(

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