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816 Vs. 811

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I remember reading once upon a time about the primary differences between the 816 and the 811, but have since forgotten the details.

I do, however, remember that one was much desirable over the other in that it's outputted (sorry, not sure if that's an actual word- lol) signals weren't as jacked up as the others'. For instance, if I remember correctly, if you were going to tap the AMP DIN for signals to an external amp or amps, it was better to have the 811 versus the 816 since the 816 had a preset EQ/Crossover built in that was optimized for a mix between the S and the V class that was impossible to disable.

Somebody let me know if I'm going nuts, here... I've swapped 6 of my 8 speakers, and added 2 Eclipse 10" Titanium DVCs, and I've constantly got my Treble slider gained to the max because it's the only way I can get a crisp high out of my SC-816. I know my amps and speakers like the back of my hand, so I'm sure my bottleneck isn't there...

I'm just looking for verification that it's possible to get a less mutated signal out of the SC811. Thanks for your help, all!


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The 811 has no CD player in the head unit-you need a separate player/changer in your trunk or glove box. I had one as OE equipment in my 95 850 Turbo before I swapped it for an 816 (almost the same as the 815, which might be the comparison you are thinking of) and I didn't notice much, if any, difference between the two relative to the response-both have noticeable bass emphasis and are only adjustable with the bass/treble slider controls. I swapped mainly because I didn't want to invest the time installing a head unit, but I think AnthonyR is right-if you want significantly higher quality sound, go aftermarket.

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Yeah, I realize I'd be much better off in the long run with an aftermarket unit, but I don't like the way quick-fit custom-DIN adapters make aftermarket units look in the dash, and I really don't feel like fiddling with constructing a custom fiberglass enclosure in the dash, or paying for a shop to do it.

Honestly, I'm just interested in maintaining the stock appearance even though I've got oodles and oodles of amps and speakers riddling the car. I'm positive I once read about a massive pre-output EQing that the 816 does, and how it had a counterpart (815/811/something) that was almost identical, with a much cleaner and non-pre-output EQing.

I'll dig some more for where I read that, and report back if I can find it. Thanks, all.


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