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I'm Patrick, And I'm A Volvo-holic


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It's true, i'm addicted to my Volvo.

So, here's my bio in case anyone cares.. which i suspect no one does.

I just got my '94 850 Turbo i guess a month ago, and it's awesome. It's a used car so i won't pretend it's perfect, but i got rid of a '94 Civic hatch plus $2500CAD and got a pimping sweedish rocket - so NO COMPLAINTS.

I've wanted this car since i was in grade 12, and now, fresh out of university i finally got it - i guess dreams do come true.

I'm from KW Ontario where despite an insane number of Volvos, everyone is the stereotype and it seems nobody is an enthusiast. In fact, i took my car to a tuner shop to see if they had ANYTHING (even just an 850R bumper) and the owner of the store literally said "I don't even know what a volvo looks like" - what!?

So, faced with the ignorance of the Volvo stereotype i'm determined to prove that even without doing crazy things (as i've seen in the showroom here) VOLVO'S ARE COOL, and THIS IS NOT MY MOMS CAR!!!

Last but not least i'll provide a little personal volvo history for you all to enjoy - if anyone has bothered reading all this self-righteous diatribe. About 10 years ago my dad was t-boned by an uninsured driver at 70km/h (i'm guessing that's like 50m/h?) right on the drivers side B-Beam in an 87 740GL. Two amazing things came of this car, 1) my dad drove it for 3 months till he found his 'new' 89 740 and 2) 4 years later when we finally got a decent settlement from whomever for the uninsured driver, the car started with just a boost (after 4 years of sitting).

Next, well the '89 my dad got with 220k on the odometer now has about 550k and is starting to show some weakness - largly in part due to lack of maintenance.

Somewhere in there, he aslo bought a 72 PS1800 (wagon) that he intends to fix up when he retires!

Currently, i drive an 850 Turbo, the Volvo legacy with the balls to beat my buddies Integra off the line everytime - SUH WEET!

Anyhow, i'm sure my input around here will mostly be "Someone tell me what is making this noise" as tricking out my Volvo - while important - is not my highest priority currently. In the mean time maybe i'll make some enemies in the off-topic forums too (darn liberal canadians!!).

Anyhow, i think i'll go wash it again, those wheels are just brake dust magnets!

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We love Bio's and volvo stories here!

Welcome Patrick (another patrick!) we have a saying around here.. At any hour of the day, there is a patrick patrolling volvospeed!

Glad to see ya joined up with us! There's quite a few volvo guys in Windsor and Burlington!

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1 month old, 11 year old Black 850 Turbo.

I Love it.


Bad accident in old volvo, still drove it, then got another that goes forever.


Family owns a classic but it's a rust bucket.

Let's sing a song!

Despite looking like chest freezers, Volvos are fast!

I'm sleepy... NO I'M NOT!

I live in waterloo, where all other volvo drivers are the stereotype


I need a nap!


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