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Tomorrow's Gonna Be A Looong Day


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I've been off work for the past couple weeks, but i start back for my summer gig tomorrow morning at 7am - waking up at 6:05.

It's currently 4am on the east coast and i can't get to sleep for the life of me. All night i've been hitting the hay, then comming on here, then back and forth, almost on the hour - i even started a blog W T F!?

If factory work on 2 hours of sleep isn't bad enough, the day long orientation about sirens and ergonomics and all that stuff is even worse!?

Oh, and on a related note, i'm hooked up (sleep-wise) perfectly for night shift right now (up till 4, sleep till noon). But the next two days of orientation and fork lift theory are days and then i join my appropriate shift for the summer on nights.. GIVE ME A BREAK!

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Oh, and on a related note, i'm hooked up (sleep-wise) perfectly for night shift right now (up till 4, sleep till noon).  But the next two days of orientation and fork lift theory are days and then i join my appropriate shift for the summer on nights.. GIVE ME A BREAK!

Night shift r0x0rs the big one ;) . I do it. 10 pm to 6 am. Then go to classes in the morning (sometimes :lol: ) and sleep all day.

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