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Is This A Conflict Of Interest?


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I'm sitting in the foyer of the toyota manufacturing plant in cambridge posting about sweetening up my already sweet volvo.

So much for employee loyalty programs and stuff!!


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shouldn't be too hard... american everything pretty much blows now anyway...

The fact that Toyota is still able to build high quality cars in the states proves the fact that the fault doesn't lie in the American workforce but the car companies themselves.

Actually, I may be a bit wrong. How do the Toyota labor unions work.. anyone know?

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The fact that Toyota is still able to build high quality cars in the states proves the fact that the fault doesn't lie in the American workforce but the car companies themselves.

Right you are. It goes all the way down to the relationship with suppliers even. I did a paper on it once, about the difference of how Mazda built their cars in Japan-vs- how they build them in the U.S. under Ford's assembly management policies. Basically, Ford (and most any Domestic) basically dictate to the parts suppliers exactly the specs of the parts, down to the cost (which is low), and the quality of the part suffers... so the end product is crap as a result.

Anyway.. what was the topic? :)

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