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I want my minute and thirty-seconds back. :angry:

The music sucked. The cars were stock/boring/tastelessly modded. The "driving" and various attempts at doing something "cool" were laughable. The editing was mediocre, at best. A nice first try, though.

Here is a compilation my little cousin made back when he only had a month or two of editing skills under his belt and was not yet even old enough to drive. Some of you probably have seen this as it has been circulating the internet and was posted on Racingflix.com quite some time ago.

Right-click and Save As. It will NOT stream.

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I want my minute and thirty-seconds back.  :angry:

The music sucked. The cars were stock/boring/tastelessly modded. The "driving" and various attempts at doing something "cool" were laughable. The editing was mediocre, at best. A nice first try, though.

Here is a compilation my little cousin made back when he only had a month or two of editing skills under his belt and was not yet even old enough to drive. Some of you probably have seen this as it has been circulating the internet and was posted on Racingflix.com quite some time ago.

Right-click and Save As. It will NOT stream.

Did I see the former C70 make an appearance there?

Yes, the second video was better - but you do have to admit there are many of the same theme lines between the two. There were lots of boring cars and attempts at "cool" driving. However, there were some very nice cars and cars that I've seen before that are really more than they appear to be.

Most of it really had to do with the crappy camera equpiment used and the reliance on cool sound/night effects to trump up the product. I've never been a fan of these videos because they seem to promote general jackarsery. I know a couple of my buddies down here treat the 405 as their playground when it comes to these films.

How's the AMG life treating you Joe? I'm sure you miss the C70 immensely! :)

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thanks for your input joe. Unfortuantly, in S.A., anything with mags is concidered a hot car. So it's quite well recieved here. The Vid is compressed to hell too, hence the appearance of shoddy camera equipement, but bandwidth here is also at a premium. 50Mb vids, people just don't download 'cause it takes the better part of a day.

Choice of car/mods/driving style is obviously not in the camera-man's capacity. I can only show what was there...

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I want my minute and thirty-seconds back.  :angry:

The music sucked. The cars were stock/boring/tastelessly modded. The "driving" and various attempts at doing something "cool" were laughable. The editing was mediocre, at best. A nice first try, though.

Here is a compilation my little cousin made back when he only had a month or two of editing skills under his belt and was not yet even old enough to drive. Some of you probably have seen this as it has been circulating the internet and was posted on Racingflix.com quite some time ago.

Right-click and Save As. It will NOT stream.

Makes me want a fast Porsche and an Autobaun to open it up on....

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Okay, 3 hours later, I downloaded the other vid. Only to find that most of the clips i have seen before, from other videos/clips/productions. Techademics, Getaway in Stockholm, Top Gear to mention a few. Music wasn't my thing either. I guess they have different types for different tastes?

I didn't see anything spectacular with the editing either? Assembling a bunch of ripped off shots ... i think that's as far as it goes.

Please don't flame other peoples work unless you know what's involved. I shot that vid, I edited it. It took maybe 3 hours in total. Maybe i should go back to edit school then, 'cause my 10 years broadcast experience obviously doesn't do it for you.

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