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Wet patch....Oil, water...what could be leaking?


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12 hours ago, R11CKSO said:

What color is  the fluid then?

from the picture looks like the dreaded oil/coolant mix.

Open your expansion tank, if you see something that resembles a frapuccino (light brown and thick) you have coolant and oil mixing, also check the oil dipstick if it has signs of the above, which in my almost 10 year experience with these cars is caused by one or combination of these;

-cracked cylinder liner (very common)

- cracked head (common)

- cracked oil cooler ( unlikely but still possible)

i have yet to see one oil-coolant mixing problem that's related to a head gasket, so if indeed those fluids are mixing, chances are you need to replace something engine wise, 99% of the time is related to an overheat issue which caused an expansion on the head/block and caused a crack where oil and coolant mix, resulting in that thick milkshake looking fluid.



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Does your coolant look like that? The thing is if that is happening , the probable cause is that something (the head,block, oil cooler) has a crack the first two, will lead the coolant system to pressurise, and if the system is working at a higher pressure than it was designed for, it will of course leak trough the easiest way, my question is, are you 100% that the coolant was green and clean before And now it turned that colour? If it indeed was clean and now contaminated you have an internal leak somewhere. Do this test when possible, start the car from cold let it run for around 2 minutes and open the expansion tank, let me know if you got a very large amount of pressure released after just two minutes of running from cold.

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Servicing today....just put it in. I still have green coming out the leak in the hose that has dried and gone brown on the outside of the top pipe joins. The Expansion tank is light brown....but definitely not your picture or when residue noted under car it still was GREEN on the tissues. Well they replaced the injector as it was cranking on start for 3 years...there is another thread on here about it after I took it to VOLVO and 3 independent Volvo mechanics and finally diagnosed as injector...

So they are using a "Kit" to replace the gear knob button that had cracked for the second time from a new OEM gear knob.....just replacing the button is cheaper option.

Something I thought was odd is the temperature gauge is not going up to half way in the first 2minutes of starting....but actually taking like 5-10 minutes to reach 1\2 way....it's winter here but I'm sure it always went 1\2 way quickly after starting in the past?

Otherwise the car seems to run and sound flawless.....really hoping that it is not diagnosed as cracked anything! 

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Got my car back. Full flush of Radiator and pressure tested and NO sign of a head gasket issue.

He replaced the cap to the expansion tank with a GREEN $5.50 cap and cleaned all the gunk of the hoses\side of radiator. Charged me $20 for new coolant, which was put in last 10K service!

He replaced the windscreen wipers that I did not want replaced with OEM wipers......I bloody hope they are genuine OEM as never could get clean windscreen with aftermarket.(showed me box but cheaper than what I paid at Volvo Dealership)

Now he put the new gear knob kit but as per last time mechanics fiddled with this area, the light under the shift RND321 is not lighting up grrrrr.

So they did not get the air filter in time and have to go back tomorrow to get that installed as well as fix this light issue for RND321.

Also charged me more than last time for OIL....is it not going down everywhere?

I noted the Temperature needle rise to 1 position before 1\2 way on starting after driving and letting it sit for 20 minutes.....will review on Cold start tomorrow.

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1 hour ago, PLANT said:

Will checking the codes now reveal anything?

I have had the thermostat changed 3 times in the journey already!

If you have no codes yet, no it will not show anything unless it is scanned with a DICE unit (official Volvo tool that shows all the parameters in the car and I mean ALL but only dealers have that device also Chinese knockoffs but it is hard to install and use), do genuine thermostats were used?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

So just when I though that the leak had been fixed......

 A new coolant leak has appeared around near the battery\turbo pipe. Seems like a small pink valve on the top of the large coolant hose maybe leaking fluid? Brown(dry coolant noticeable) on the engine bay!

Is this common?



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  • 3 weeks later...

Well the ECM code appeared today!

After the Fan issue and lights around fan knobs, the left headlight globe went.

Replaced the headlight globe myself!

Took it to mechanic today and he used the DICE and it showed ECM code error. I suggested he reset it as I have done this in the past and it has not reactivated for a month or two....

Of note it was a 34 degree yesterday and I drove at 120km\hr, aircon on, put petrol in the car......left work and the car felt sluggish but no error codes?

As per the first line(ECM code on startup this morning) I checked the coolant reservoir with engine off, on flat surface, after code reset and noted it had dropped again to just above MIN..... more coolant noted at "release pressure area" near turbo pipe....

Looks like R1CKSO saw the future on 23rd August!

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