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Cd changer power??


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Ok, im sure this will get moved, but does anyone have a factory cd changer in a ph1 or 2 s40? I pulled one from a junk yard, and went to hook it up in mine but ran into a problem. The cord that sends audio??? to the cd player is there and plugs in, and is plugged into the main cd player, but there is a set of (power and ground??) Wires with plugs on them and i cant find their counter parts in the car. Ive ripped the entire trunk and reat seat out and their just not there. Is the an alternate way to hook them up? Cd player recognizes something with the main cord hooked up, but only gives an error code on the display, which it did not do before hooking up changer. Any advice or a "hey dummy heres the thread you over looked" link it would help.

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