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Oil pressure warning light?


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Got my car back. 95k on the used engine. They had gotten the oil pressure light in the shop and dropped the pan, cleaned the sludge, test drove two days with guys from the shop driving it home, one instance of the light. Changed the oil pressure sensor and it didn't come back on for them. Ran it with a gauge for awhile, never dropped below 15psi. I think they told me the light comes on if it hits 8psi or less?

After driving to CT Friday "hard driving" I hit standstill traffic on the Merritt and the light came on for me. I pulled off to turn off the car and wait 30s, turned it back on and it was gone. I wasn't able to get up to speed in standstill traffic to see if it would clear.

I was going to run an extended performance synthetic for the detergents next change, but anything else I should be looking for?

The manual is a bit dramatic. First it makes you freak out STOP AND CHECK LEVELS but then it's like OH NVM IT'S TOTES OK FOR THIS LIGHT TO COME ON, NO BIG DEAL but is it really no big deal?


Pan before they had it steamed / cleaned / blasted at some outside shop.



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Describe the hard driving. Straight line highway pulls? or canyon carving through twists?

My V70R used to flicker when going through serious twists, lateral g's sling oil toward the sides of the pan and the pickup can intermittently lose suction causing the light.

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Seafoam time maybe?? Dunno...

Before the engine was replaced on my 40 and I was going through a quart or two A WEEK, my oil light would only come on either at idle, or when slowing down and almost to a stop. Driving, it was fine, and cornering it would blip on for a moment. Back when the engine was in better condition, NEVER got even a blip in "hard driving" (canyon roads). I'm not sure that info helps, but it's my experience with the oil circuit...

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Followup, hasn't come back yet since the oil change @ 500. The oil itself looked not too bad but the the filter definitely had some good stuff in it (some was def sludged out of somewhere). I expect the next change to produce similar results. /Cheers.

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That's good that the oil change seems to have remedied it.  Wonder if oil level lowered, and somehow an air bubble formed to make it seem normal to the stick?  Not even sure if that's possible.  If there was sludge, I'd make the next change at half the normal interval, then the one after should be much more fresh for a normal interval period.  This is on the new motor though, right?  Did you Seafoam it at all?  Perhaps it just needed a good flushing by way of oil exchange...

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That's good that the oil change seems to have remedied it.  Wonder if oil level lowered, and somehow an air bubble formed to make it seem normal to the stick?  Not even sure if that's possible.  If there was sludge, I'd make the next change at half the normal interval, then the one after should be much more fresh for a normal interval period.  This is on the new motor though, right?  Did you Seafoam it at all?  Perhaps it just needed a good flushing by way of oil exchange...


If you're using synthetic, you could also just change the filter at the midway point and still run your normal interval.  Then go back to regular schedule with oil and filter. 

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