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v40 t4


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im Jernej from slovenija...

i drive a pj1 v40 t4.. realy a crayz car!! but i wont more ;) planing raund 300bhp ;)

i allredy did a lot on the car, have only a fev ischues end ned help...

i hawe a hybrid turbo, al the intercooler piping of inox, plug in intercooler, big airfilter, downpipe with exhaust... 

now im not sure wich injectors shod i  take... siemens deka 630 or the 2 option bosch 613 (0 280 158 123)

this is what i found googeling, can be alsow anything else..

end ther is one more problem, the maf... how can i solve the maf problem?


sory for my bad english

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Thanks for joining Jernej!

I'd ask Ninjasixsixsix about injectors....i believe he has the 630cc siemens deka injectors.  Not sure if he's tuned or not, but in his signature it says he's got them. 




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