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2004 wrx vs s40 1.9t


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Ran into a stock wrx tonight. I did a 50mph roll twice(no brake boost) to make the kill confirmed,lol. We were almost dead even until he shifted into 4th and the race was over. I kept pulling more and more and at around 110mph I had a car length on him. We pulled up at the finish line and we talked brielfy, he said all he has done to it is suspension. He was a good sport, he said " that thing is fast! What did you do to it?" His reaction was priceless! 

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Great "kill" story.  Miss those days in my 40...  The replacement engine I had in mine was REALLY strong the few weeks it was in.  Wish I could have seen what she'd have done once the boost was increased.  My current S60 2.5T is fast, but not in the same caliber.  Those almost 700lbs of extra weight make a huge difference!!

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