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2004 V40 1.9T U.S Fuel Tank Capacity

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It's been a topic of discussion on several boards. I have never gotten more than 12 either and the light was on at that point. I've never been bold enough to try more and I usually get 11 gallons if I'm trying to take it on before the light goes on. You will find posts though of people saying they have put 15 gallons in. It is my opinion that the gauges are calibrated differently and could be driven well into the indicator light. It is variable. A post from MVS says there is space above what the indicator can sense that is good for about 4 gallons. The gauge they say is moved by fuel consumption and depending how far up it will vary.  You can see the 4 gallons padded into the 11-12 figure we're now talking about when we fill it up "empty" 

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2 hours ago, theForgottenone said:

chicken..I put close to 14 gallons on it before.

I'm lazy so i keep driving. I  average around 13.5 gallons when I fill up.


And that's with the indicator on right?


(PS can we get editing posts re-enabled for us peons?)

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