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Bing's Overhead Screens

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Bing is a nice guy, it's toally not cool to cut him down.

If you have stuff to sell then do it, let the consumer decide.

I never said anything bad about him, I started off with "he seems like and OK guy" because I don't know him very well but from what I do know... he seems like an OK guy.

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I never said anything bad about him, I started off with "he seems like and OK guy" because I don't know him very well but from what I do know... he seems like an OK guy.

ok, then I rest my case. :D

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so let me get this straight "owned"...

you come on here out of no where.  no one here knows you from the bum @ I-5 and El Segundo Blvd.  Then you start talking about what Bing is selling and undercutting him.  Then you choose a handle that could be considered a double entendre for the action you are trying to take in competing with Bing.

You suck.  You are shady.  No one wants your stuff.


all fun intended :lol:

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To put it simply, everyone has to start somewhere. How can I expect to build a reputation of good products (as Bing has) if I never submit my first one?

Maybe I was wrong in thinking that a less expensive option of pretty much the same thing for those of us on a budget would be of interest to VS. The basic idea was shown to me not only in posts talking about the limited variety and price for Volvo products but in the actual offering of an alternative option being well liked (Slater's endlinks as opposed to VMS'). I'll just have to offer something totally different next time.

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To put it simply, everyone has to start somewhere. How can I expect to build a reputation of good products (as Bing has) if I never submit my first one?

Maybe I was wrong in thinking that a less expensive option of pretty much the same thing for those of us on a budget would be of interest to VS. The basic idea was shown to me not only in posts talking about the limited variety and price for Volvo products but in the actual offering of an alternative option being well liked (Slater's endlinks as opposed to VMS'). I'll just have to offer something totally different next time.

Dude, just don't use Bing's name to promote or get attention for what YOU'RE selling...that's the worse part...forget about you offering a lower price, cuz that's fine, but definitely don't take advantage of another member's credibility by using HIS name to undercut HIM!!

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i just have one last comment for you.

i built my company with the specific intent on having great dealer support, that means we dont do any internet/ebay sales, we dont undercut our dealers, and we provide great customers service.

I fully appreciate your need to "build a good reputation" and all that, but just to be honest, i dont think your way to going at it is the right way. Buying from an independent importer, selling on your own without much techsupport or stock basically makes you no different than the thousands of peopel doing similar things on ebay, and from my view point, you will never get far into becoming a full blow mobile video company. in other words, I would highly encourage you to think long term versus making a quick buck here and there.

from my stand point of building a company for the needs of retailers and installers, i think its this kind of practice that really makes it hard for us. Our shop say, will support a brand, and then find some people selling the same product under no brand name for much less on ebay etc, it really makes the lives of shop owners and isntallers hard...

so i guess what i am saying is that if you want a few quick bucks in the short term, you are on the right track, but if you are looking for longevity and respect, its not he right way to go.

and trust me, i thought about doing the exact same thing as you are doing a while back, and i have never regretted it since. what may have been a few thousand dollars of easy money back then can never subsitute for a good foundation into becoming a multi-million dollar company.

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So I hate to bring up the "Vendor" issue... but we've mentioned being more careful with the "Vendor" tag... this guy's been around less than a month and he's already got one!?

As of tomorrow, I will be selling the Volvo fender emblems. My sources are the local junkyard, but I'm sure most of them will be in good shape. I want "Vendor" added to my info. I sell air fresheners too! :D

:angry::pizza: :angry:

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So I hate to bring up the "Vendor" issue... but we've mentioned being more careful with the "Vendor" tag... this guy's been around less than a month and he's already got one!?

As of tomorrow, I will be selling the Volvo fender emblems. My sources are the local junkyard, but I'm sure most of them will be in good shape. I want "Vendor" added to my info. I sell air fresheners too!  :D

:angry:  :pizza:  :angry:

So do I

I am selling Canned Fresh Air from the Taurus Mountains :P:P:P

I want a VENDOR TAG too

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I will sell my body in trade for some performance parts and other such goodies that I can't afford right now! O, and your mom goes to college :lunchbox:

And why are there several threads on this? <_<

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So I hate to bring up the "Vendor" issue... but we've mentioned being more careful with the "Vendor" tag... this guy's been around less than a month and he's already got one!?

As of tomorrow, I will be selling the Volvo fender emblems. My sources are the local junkyard, but I'm sure most of them will be in good shape. I want "Vendor" added to my info. I sell air fresheners too!  :D

:angry:  :pizza:  :angry:

Yo nut monkeys. Stop busting peopls chops and read the news forum.


Vendor accounts do not mean they have a good product. It means their whores and are trying to sell you something so be careful. Now quit your yap flapping before I slap vendor tags on all your mothers.

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Yo nut monkeys.  Stop busting peopls chops and read the news forum. 


Vendor accounts do not mean they have a good product.  It means their whores and are trying to sell you something so be careful.  Now quit your yap flapping before I slap vendor tags on all your mothers.

ouch man!

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ouch man!

I mean come on really. Some of you were fine but some of the comments were whack.

So I hate to bring up the "Vendor" issue... but we've mentioned being more careful with the "Vendor" tag...

Whos we? Was there a meeting I was not invited to? Oh, sorry I will be more careful next time. And as for a vendor tag, sure you want one? You can have one. If you make more than a post a day trying to sell something we usually smack a vendor tag on you,

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Charles, I have no problem with a vendor tag...for me it doesn't mean that someone is only selling something, but it also tells me that when they comment on something, they have a bias, and that they may be plugging products rather than actually providing accurate info....


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guys, no need to start a flame war...:) all i care is that he is following the proper procedures.  waht he is selling is what we called the "prototype" that we started wtih.  its a good unit in general, with good graphics and good features, we changed a few things that we did not like about it. 

to be honest, if i simply went back to china, and collected a bucnh of sample units from a few manufactures and sold here and there or at a few stores, i can make a huge killing :) 

its no biggie really, oh, within a week, our second batch will arrive, and the price will be dropping for VS members :)  rough by 100 bucks.  and i do have oaver 300 in stock for immediate exchange of warranty issues.


This i will totally agree with Bing, china is a huge market for video and everything else! At least Bing promises he has back-up units for warranty because I sold 10" motorized drop downs and they were beautyful but were prone to kids breaking them, gears breaking and they were noisy but my vendor gave me 3 year warranty with them and they sold like hot cakes!!! 10" motorized sold at a high of $1100 retail and $549 when they got cheaper!! the end came to those units after all the warranty claims but they are still out there i have a few in my stock for PERSONAL USE "got them cheap!!"

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