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C70 Rear Speakers

Guest Guest_smoothdmn_*

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Guest Guest_smoothdmn_*

1999 C70 rear speakers go on and off. Could this be amp related? loose connection? Car has Dolby pro logic. any Ideas


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1999 C70  rear speakers  go on and off.  Could this be amp related? loose connection?  Car has Dolby pro logic.  any Ideas


just the rears.. check your connections?

maybe you have gremlins that change your fader when you're not looking ?

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Im having the same sort of problem in my V70. I think it's the amp, but when I smack the speaker, it will sometimes come back indicated a loose connection. I need to investigate more.

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1) Does it do it in the modes other than Pro Logic, and 2) does it behave the same whether it's radio or a CD? I have learned that in radio mode, Pro Logic is very sensitive to signal strength and the rear speakers appear to cut in and out. It's very annoying, and I live in a big city where the transmitters are close by. So if it is doing it only in radio mode, it's normal. If it does it in CD mode as well, then you have another problem.

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lol Smacking things usually don't have the best effects. Like this one time my sister was getting all upity.... oh god, that didn't end well. Def. 1st step is to check the connections, then go after the amp.... you prolly want to avoid step two as much as possible. Unless you are like me and just look for reasons to go after market.


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