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Lamborghini Murcielago


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I think he rolled up his windows because he was entering the on-ramp to a freeway... and I think he was just casually accellerating while you were flooring it  :P

he rolled down the window to enter the MC D drive in. By the time he had finished his giant fries and had again accelerated to third, he was next to you.

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lol, i love the people who think people who own ferraris, lambos, and other exotics are all the super cool, super professional racer, so "wont even bother racing a volvo" type of people.

please get real, our city hosts the vintage grand prix everyyear, where you can see well over 100 exotics gather at any given day, and i have had chances to talk to many of the owners, and to be honest, just like other brands, you get a wild range of personalities...

there are guys there who own ferraries that gloats about beating a civic, there are owners who never drives their cars fast, and there are guys who drive like maniacs and never says anything...

personally, i didnt see anything wrong with his story...racing forum responses is just so uncivilized lol


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I think most people who have Lamborghini's use a Volvo as their daily driver.... :/ I would be willing to bet he knows the potential of the T5, he may have one himself but cannot drive both at the very same time.

I personally think it is great you got to have fun with such a cool car. I would probably be staring at the Lambo the whole time bouncing of the rev limiter... Nice work.

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personally, i didnt see anything wrong with his story...racing forum responses is just so uncivilized lol


absolutely true. speaking fo myself i wasnt so serious about my reply. i just tried to be funny.....

Obviously with slight lack of success. ;)

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what? MOST PEOPLE who have lambos use volvos as daily drivers?

If you ask me, thier daily driver is prolly a porsche. lol

Clearly you're not familiar with the age old rivalry between Lamborghini and Porsche, they're actually more opposed than Lamborghini and Ferrari. :)

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just shows that you can't do sarcasim on the internet...

anyways. the fact is is that they won't drive a car like that... volvo? yeah right. no matter what you think, sure MAYBE a few drive volvos, but MOST? no way.

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Not all lambo's are fast, most of the lambo's build are slower than the volvo's

Here are the type's you will be able to beat:

R1 (Runner)


RS (Agile)

F Plus

R2 (Sprint)


N Series

Grand Prix LS

R4 (Premium)

R5 (Premium)


R7 (Champion)

R8 (Victory)

If you don't know these type's do some research.

Oke I'll help you, they are all tractors :lol: :lol:

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Wow ZuluKingClowned you have taken the cake with this story.

What???? is wrong with this story?!?! Ok here, I walked it by 23 car lengths.

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