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More Security Problems For Vpt


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You'll have to click the image into fullsize to read the text clearly.

I've attempted to contact George about an earlier security problem and got no response.

Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 1:10 PM   Post subject: HACKED BY N.E ra did help    


<meta name="title"       content="HACKED BY N.E   ra did help" /> 
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<meta name="description" lang="en" content="HACKED BY N.E   ra did help" />

I'm not trying to hurt George's sales. I have plans to get jewels and spacers through him (just not through his site). However, I feel this is something that potential buyers should know about before they possibly put their sensitive, personal information at risk.

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You'll have to click the image into fullsize to read the text clearly.

I've attempted to contact George about an earlier security problem and got no responce.

<meta name="title"       content="HACKED BY N.E   ra did help" /> 
<meta name="author"      content="HACKED BY N.E   ra did help" /> 
<meta name="copyright"   content="HACKED BY N.E   ra did help" /> 
<meta name="keywords"    content="HACKED BY N.E   ra did help" /> 
<meta name="description" lang="en" content="HACKED BY N.E   ra did help" />

I'm not trying to hurt George's sales. I have plans to get jewels and spacers through him (just not through his site). However, I feel this is something that potential buyers should know about before they possibly put their sensitive, personal information at risk.

Did you hack the site?

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Did you hack the site?

I have no interest in giving George a hard time. So that would be a no.

The banner says that the file's permissions are incorrectly set which does mean a bad chmod, it's just a less obfuscated way of saying it (having those who are less than gifted with computer skills in mind).

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