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What Egt Temps Should I Look For?


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I know the placement of an EGT probe has a huge effect on it's readings.

I know the best place is in the exhaust manifold, but I am considering putting it in the very top of the downipe right at the turbine outlet because if anything happened to the sensor it woudln't destroy my turbo.

What temps would be considered normal for a probe mounted in the manifold?What temps would be considered normal for a probe mounted in the downpipe?

What MAX temps would I see for a probe mounted in the manifold?

What MAX temps would I see for a probe mounted in the downpipe?

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Good questions. I will have my EGT in soon and would like to know the same thing. I have mine mounted in the down pipe just after the turbo. Don't have the down pipe in yet though.

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Guest DougK

The reason I dislike EGT's is this very reason. On my 242 I had it about 3" back from the outlet of the turbo yet at WOT I'd BURY the gauge. Wideband would say 11:1 so I pretty much ignored it.

A dying cat will really increase EGT's as well... yadda yadda yadda.

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My probe is mounted about 2" post turbo on the downpipe.

I see temps that go something like this

Idle- 600-700

Cruise- 1000-1200

WOT- 1400 after about 15 sec of WOT

2nd...almost exactly how mine reacts....I took out the EGT sensor this weekend cuz I took the downpipe off...I really don't see how one of those could break...its pretty solid...

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The reason I dislike EGT's is this very reason. On my 242 I had it about 3" back from the outlet of the turbo yet at WOT I'd BURY the gauge. Wideband would say 11:1 so I pretty much ignored it.

A dying cat will really increase EGT's as well... yadda yadda yadda.

Gauge went to 1100? :lol:

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It also depends on your setup. Lots of boost vs. low boost vs. no boost will want to see different EGT values.

But the point is that I COULD see max temps of 1650+ in the downpipe, right? That means the turbine housing and manifold is probably hotter than that, correct?

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But the point is that I COULD see max temps of 1650+ in the downpipe, right? That means the turbine housing and manifold is probably hotter than that, correct?

Aluminum — Melting Point: 660.37 °C (933.52 °K, 1220.666 °F)

According to http://www.chemicalelements.com/elements/al.html

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I think the temps are higher where they exit the turbine.

The new R manifold were made for temps as high as 2000 F ...


In diesel tuning, thats why we pushed EGT gauges so hard, was the relatively low melting point of AL..

I couldn't even get near 1200* In my Cummins, even at WOT uphill, doin 80....

When I rode in boostjunkies car, and saw the EGT needle go sky high, I was like, holy crap that's hot!

and I had my EGT probe in my truck PRE-TURBO... :o

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