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What Egt Temps Should I Look For?


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Guest DougK

no... not at all.. just thinking that if POST turbo temps are 1650, imagine what it is PRE turbo.. :o

Im sorry, its been so long. I just remebered I used to burry the gauge when it was PRE turbo. DOH! About 1500* was as hot as I remeber seeing at WOT, though in all honestly I rarely used the EGT once I went wideband.

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Im sorry, its been so long. I just remebered I used to burry the gauge when it was PRE turbo. DOH! About 1500* was as hot as I remeber seeing at WOT, though in all honestly I rarely used the EGT once I went wideband.

i was gonna say man... thanks for the clear up duggers

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But the point is that I COULD see max temps of 1650+ in the downpipe, right? That means the turbine housing and manifold is probably hotter than that, correct?

Yup. Sorry, I'm not totally clear on your intent for a EGT. I know my DSM friends use this a cheap way to A/F tune via temps post-turbo. However, like I said this is really hard to say what type of temps you'd ideally want to see due to varying setups.

I'd expect temps at WOT to be somehwere in the 1650+ range after a couple of seconds at full boost.

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