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Need Help Posting Pics W/macintosh


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Hey gang, Im really embarrassed to say that I've been trying to figure out how to post pics in a thread for a few hours now, and still have not figured it out!

Here are the details. Im using a flat screen iMac running OS 10.4 (no hating please, love my macs) I've posted a pic in my new album here in the Volvospeed gallery, and I've tried using pics from my old image hosting site located here: http://dubs.unixprohost.com/Hindenburg <-My old album...

I've read a thread about posting pics located here: http://volvospeed.com/vs_forum/index.php?s...osting+pictures

But those are instructions for a PC. Does anyone know the Mac version of posting pictures here? PLEASE?


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Macs are the best! I have one too. Anyway, when you type in a new thread, see the above button items. One of them is (IMG), press on it ('alt+g' is just a shortcut on a PC). The shortcut on a Mac is 'Ctrl-g'. Your picture though has to be stored somewhere else on a different server, volvospeed doesn't provide any storage. Basically, what you're doing is just posting a link to a photo and volvospeed downloads it and dispalys it here.

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Gotcha! So, on my old image hosting site: http://dubs.unixprohost.com/Hindenburg

How do I use one of my pics to use and post in a thread here?

On VWVortex.com I had to use the Slideshow feature, and stop it on my picture, drag the pic between the ][ and drop it in, and it would post... Hmm,... maybe I should try that instead of copy and pasting the address into the [][] boxes... let me try something out


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