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Throttle Body Lawsuit


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So I run across a site and think hey, this is new to me and is not a problem I have, but I'll post it on VS. Might help somebody. So I fire up VS and do:

""Throttle Body Lawsuit

While researching fires in hybrids I came across this which should interest lots of people:


Charles posts "1B4L" or whatever and locks the thread. I have no idea what 1B4L means but then I do see there was beaucoup on VS about throttle body problems. How dumb of me to think the link I gave would be meaningful to anyone.

It machs no nicht to me that the thread is locked, but wot-the-eff is 1B4L?

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What's it locked for, just out of general curiosity.  Something legal with Volvo, I'd guess?

Not quite! The simple fact is, as stated above, it's a maintenance forum, not a ETM politics forum. If you have a link like that and you want to post it, the off topic forum is a great a place for that. Oh....and so is xc70.com!!

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