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Banned From Swedespeed.

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In all seriousness:

1. I'd have probably banned you too Kevin. George has a pretty great site in SS and had put lots of time and effort into it. He has the support and backing of VCNA which says alot for a corporation to recognize the influence of an online performance community. I've known George personally for about 5 years, and respect him very much. I don't think you were as helpful as you made yourself out to be. I seem to remember plenty of pointless posts.

2. Yeah SS has its issues, but which site doesn't? You are right about the 850/S70 forums being lame and over-run by JRL and his somewhat Jackass-ness. But SS panders far more to P2 oweners (R speciflcally). Why? Perhaps because thats where the $$ is. Not in a buch of kids who drive Mommy's and Daddy's hand-me-down sedans. On SS the rich R owners complain about sample defects in thier $40k cars. On VS there is a new thread each day called "MY MF-N' NEW TINT BIOTCHES!!" Its just as lame.

3. George doesn't sell stuff on here. You are thinking of George from VP Tuning.

4. Kai may not have been the brightest guy, and he may have been kind of a hotdog on the forums, but in real-life he was just a guy that wanted to prove Volvo's could be fast. He got screwed by EIP Tuning (the work he paid them for was embarassing) and fell victim to to some bad luck (combined with some over-eagerness). I saw his motor in its "glory" as well as in its shambles. You guys can pick at him all day, but how many on here have a dyno sheet of 350+ whp. His car was fast, he proved alot of people wrong around here (DC area).

5. I like VS. I like it better than SS. But its different, you have to admit it. All the hating on SS is stupid. You never hear the T-bricks guys hating on VS or SS. Some of you guys need to grow up.

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I'd hardly call Brickboard a performance site.  Oops  ;)  Point taken.  But I hope you see where I'm coming from.

Exactly Chris, (i see where you're coming from, of course)

In my "spamming" as George put it, all I was trying to do was help all of the people get good info..

you know how many posts perday the 850 forum gets on SS in a day?

last friday... 6. 6 posts. Thats' rediculous. How can anyone get answers to their generally maintenance Q's there.. There's ZERO performance talk over there too..

It's ludacris, so if i noticed someone with a question, i know they could find, or somone here could help them, i'd drop them a line with the VS link.

I've heard no complaints from, Exexpat, Asinine, FutrC70driver, Stickthatclutch, just a few of the people that have joined VS at my "spamming."

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I'd hardly call Brickboard a performance site.  Oops  ;)  Point taken.  But I hope you see where I'm coming from.

Hell, I'd hardly call Swedespeed a performance site. It's mostly about shifters, pedals, carpets and wheels. Sometimes I suspect Kevin of being one of them. :unsure:

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To clarify:

About two months ago, I had a complaint from a user that Kevin was spamming via PM. We don't make a habit of reading PMs, but will if a situation warrants. I went in, and 100% of his PMs were pushing people to go to Volvospeed, saying how much better he believes it is than Swedespeed, and the funny part was that most were just a form statement (click and paste stuff).

Okay, that's pretty blatant spamming, against our user agreement, etc., but Kevin was prominent in the forums and like he said, he helps folks out, so I ask him to stop, point out that what he's doing is spamming. I figure he's probably just overly proud of the community he's helped create over here, and I tell him as much, but I also tell him he has to stop.

Fast forward several months to today. I see in the thread that Johann posted in , where Kevin is taking his quiet jabs at us, and I remember to go check up on him and see if he stopped. I wasn't all that surprised to see that he hasn't. 100% of his PMs AGAIN, are pitching Volvospeed. He dropped the click and paste routine, but it's not even like he could throw in a gratuitious one to some guy saying "Hey nice car!" without peddling the site.

Sorry, that's too blatant, and I'm not going to just stand there while someone takes shots at us and tries to steal our readership.

The sad thing is, all this really achieves through this public display of a thread is potentially making bad blood between sites. The Volvo community has always been pretty split. It's a shame that's perpetuated through some crap situation like this. In his email to me, and cross-posted above, it appears Kevins is already trying to create some dividing line... "So, now that I have pretty much the entire Volvospeed site, alerted to this, none of them (sans Greg) will be helping your site out at all. "

I'm not going to contribute to that division. Whatever site these readers, readers of Swedespeed, or both post on... I just hope they enjoy it for the hanging out and talking car thing and not this drama crap... I'll go watch old episodes of 90210 if I want that.

...just to clarify a couple of points made here...

1. Kevin's welcome back if he'll stick to the user agreement.... will he? He hasn't thus far, but like I said, he's welcome back if he follows it AND if he cares (I'm guessing maybe he doesn't at this point).

2. Johann was never banned. He chose to leave. I wish him nothing but luck. He is missed.

3. This is the first time I ever have posted on this site that I can remember. That poor guy in your classifieds that someone mentioned "always tryign to sell his stuff" isn't me. I hope he's not claiming he is.

4. I did send an email to the info@ or whatever general email to Volvospeed when this first went down with Kevin. I never got a response. I hear the message was never received, so you may want to check whatever email is in your contact area.

5. You won't see me spamming this site, and if you see a SS moderator blatantly spamming this site trying to take readers to SS, then my door is open (george@swedespeed.com) . I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't take action.

6. Swedespeed is continually hitting record numbers on traffic, and that's in a really slow news year for Volvo with few new models coming out. Check Alexa if you don't believe me. Don't worry too much about our traffic declining. We'll get by.

Good luck with the site guys. It's a nice community. It's a shame, I miss the days when there were fewer posters but were more active, about the sweet spot this site is in now. It's a pattern though, we saw it with Vortex, we see it now with Swedespeed. Site grows, becomes less intimate, more personalities bang heads, but site is bigger and a bigger resource. There are goods and bads to growing, but when you do (and I truly hope you do) progress to that, you'll have the exact same problems. It's a cycle all growing sites hit, and all of us say we want to avoid "this time" around. Maybe you will. More power to you if you do.


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4.  Kai may not have been the brightest guy, and he may have been kind of a hotdog on the forums, but in real-life he was just a guy that wanted to prove Volvo's could be fast.  He got screwed by EIP Tuning (the work he paid them for was embarassing) and fell victim to to some bad luck (combined with some over-eagerness).  I saw his motor in its "glory" as well as in its shambles.  You guys can pick at him all day, but how many on here have a dyno sheet of 350+ whp.  His car was fast, he proved alot of people wrong around here (DC area).

so what happened to his car? I was simply trying to get info about his motor when I was building mine and he freaked out.

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last friday... 6.  6 posts.  Thats' rediculous.  How can anyone get answers to their generally maintenance Q's there.. There's ZERO performance talk over there too..

I've heard no complaints from, Exexpat, Asinine, FutrC70driver, Stickthatclutch,  just a few of the people that have joined VS at my "spamming."

Well talk about eyebrows and R bumpers is hardly performance. ;)

I posted on SS for about 2.5 years before ever setting foot in here. I've met some of the guys on that forum and they're stand-up. I generally stick around here now because OT is more lively and the subforum setup I think is superior. SS isn't the problem. Its the catering to the "R" owners that is. They do OT, meets and other things as their own community and they don't venture or look at the other cars.

Funny thing is Volvo's are so easy to get into now. With the stupid lease offers they have out there just about any jack-a-ninny can get into an R and suddenly feel like he's part of the motoring elite. I bought my Volvo specifically to stay low key. I could have had just about any other car I wanted at the time but for some still unexplained reason I drive Volvo. If the general attitude of newer Volvo owners goes the way fo the newer R and P1X owners you won't see me at a Volvo lot in the near future.

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From a "business" standpoint it's understandable why Kevin got banned.

From a "supporting the entire volvo community" standpoint it's pretty dumb that he got banned.

I personally don't see how VS is a threat to SS. Different demos to the same "community" [as Volvokiller already eluded to]. It's a shame SS doesn't see the benefit in sharing the wealth.

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