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Let's Have A Bit Of Grown Up Talk...


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OK, sooo I'm enrolled in college at Georgia Southern University. I just had my orientation for it last week and it made me look forward to the whole college experience, from the campus to the town it's in to the women, it's all looking beautiful. Hell, my class schedule even looks beautiful and I never thought that I would be happy or look forward to going to class again after my stuff education in high school.

What I noticed though is that ALOT or most everyone thinks it's no problem to not have a major when you first start college, however at my orientation I was overwhlemed at the amount of people that already had a major picked out, and here I am, in a room with like 10-15 other students "undeclared" in their major out of a group of easily 400+ kids. Me=Confused, is it REALLY that important? I want to do real estate, no doubt about that...But it's not a major at this school, it's only a emphasis...So thoughts and suggestions on what would be a good major for that Real Estate emphasis to tag onto? There's just sooo much out there I don't know, I don't think I'll be able to figure out what I truly want quick at all, yet I feel like me not knowing will hender me and start me off on a horrible foot after college...

GSU Degrees & Majors List

Really that doesn't matter too much to me, I'm just tryna hear some of you guys out who have already gone through it all and try to take everything in

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if you really know you wanna do real estate, i'd say go for any business program. i'm assuming you won't be selling houses all your life and soon enough (if you're smart) will open your own franchise. business skills will be useful. business, accounting, marketing. anything of this kind. and if for some reason real estate isn't your thing, w/ a degree like that you'll have a variety of positions available to you in other companies.

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I began college in Univ of Oregon's architecture school, but switched to biz management after working for a firm on the side.. it was feast or famine and I wasn't lovin' that idea. However, I did begin with direction and didn't enter w/o a major.

I don't think there's anything wrong w/not knowing what you want to do at first, but one shouldn't take forever to decide anyway. As an aside, it's interesting to think about how many people graduate with a degree in one area, but end up pursuing a career in a different area. If you want to do real estate, get into your college's business program and get either a degree in management or marketing, in my humble opinion.

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I don't think it is a big deal at this point. You are mostly taking GURs at this point anyway, so you have time. Also, most universities have requirements before you can even apply to the department and declare a major.

Just start thinking about stuff that really interests you. You most likely can't declare as a freshman anyway, so you have a year to figure it out.

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Noah, your about 60 miles from me at Southern. I changed my major twice I went in undeclared first major was chemistry then I swapped over to business management

I tell most of my young friends don't go straight from HS into college wait till the spring or next fall. Make a list of majors that interest you and try to work in some of them while you are not in school.

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If your want to do real estate college is a waste of time.

I would say that you should try to get a job for some real estate agent and then work yourself up from there and take courses that real estate gurus give.

Going to college will only give you a piece of paper and something to fall back on if you wouldn't make it in real estate.

Something that I wish that I would have take in college would have been "How to make money 101" or "Secure your future" or "How to retire when your 45" etc

Don't think that you will find these courses in any college anyways.

Just my 26 yrs of experiance :D


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I concur that if you want Real Estate you will be farther behind (money wise) if you go to College. You don't need a degree for that job. Having said that College is definitely worth the time and money. Not having a major your first year is OK. not knowing or Switching in your Junior year or later is bad. It will most likely set you back a lot. Also I think most places make you declare a major after your sophomore year.

I'd conisder business, economics or accounting and see how you like it. Odds are you will change your mind about a profession many times. Just try classes and see which ones you like or do well at. Just choose something that will make you money otherwise you will just end up with an expensice piece of paper.

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OMG!!!!!............Drunk Noah, that's great!

<----ain't down with brown, so no worries college boi ;) :D

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