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Pray For Lucky


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Never thought I'd cry over a dog, but I don't give a Darn to admit it

She has bladder stones and has to have surgery to remove them...There's a slight chance we may have to put her to sleep after the surgery if her intestines are too messed up from the stones...But I'm praying to GOD that she'll be fine...She's my first pet, and we found her tied up to a tree years ago and it was so bad to the point where the rope was growing into her neck...She's kinda wild but very loyal, sweet, and kind to my family, the perfect dog in my opinion



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thats good man, my dog game running out to lick the ups guy, he freaked out, and i guess my dog thought he was gonna kick him, nipped him on the knee. just broke the skin... <_< dumb dog :P i love dogs. really.


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Bassett Hound? I adopted two beagles when I got married. I absolutely love dogs. Glad to hear your Lucky is doing better Noah. I remember when my mom called to tell me that my childhood pet had to be put down. He was a 15 year old sheep dog/ german sheperd mix with hip displasia (sp?). I had to pull over I was crying so hard. I am not afraid to admit it. I know what you mean Noah I don't think it is anything to be ashamed of.

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Hey, Noah, sounds like your Chief Woofer will be OK. Other than the loss of a person you love, I can't imagine anything sadder than losing a dog. They're so trusting and you can be the worse thug in the world but your mutt will love you.

He's a beauty. Will you give an update here in a week or so?

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