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How To Get To Canada


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Doug and I are thinking about going to BC during our Seattle trip. Does anyone know what kind of identification we need? Do we need to bring our social security cards or birth certs, or can we get through the border with our drivers lisences?



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Doug and I are thinking about going to BC during our Seattle trip.  Does anyone know what kind of identification we need?  Do we need to bring our social security cards or birth certs, or can we get through the border with our drivers lisences?



To get into Canada, you probably don't even need an ID. Getting back into the US is a totally different story. You will need your driver's license and either a birth certificate or passport.

Expect to answer a ton of stupid questions while they try to determine if you are smuggling or not. The fact that there are two of you in the car will help that though. You won't fit the profile.

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stupid question: what counts as proof as citizenship?


Just what I listed above. Driver's license, birth certificate and passport. You need at least 2 of the 3. Military IDs work also, but you won't have that.

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Show them a crisp American dollar bill and they'll treat you like kings. ;)

Canadians don't guard the border getting into the US. Do that coming back and you are likely to get strip searched and your car disassembled.

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Hey, we crossed the border at this crossing in March. This is what you need to get back in the country from Canada. Your car will be photographed front and rear as you pull up to be questioned. Have your documents ready.

Where do you live?

What was your purpose in Canada?

Where did you go?

Do you have anything to declare?

If they suspect anything (and with Doug at the wheel, they probably will) they will ask more questions.

Where is the stash?

How much did you smoke today?

Where did you put the bag?




If you are lucky, they will eventually hand your stuff back and say, "Ok, have a nice day." If they don't like your answers, they put some paper on your car and direct you to a stall. You will be taken to a room and given a question sheet to answer while they are searching your car. You can ask Ben and Noah what questions are on the sheets, since they have both been through it.

Post 9/11 sucks.

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going to Canada is a sinch

the guy just checked my trunk (which had nothing but motor oil and jumper cables)

he accidently slammed it too hard, and the lady at the booth started laughing

canadians are awesome eh?

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At all time DON'T wear a Bhurka on your way back to the states.

From what I remember, Can-->US: Crumpy customs people, real arrogant. Shitty paper work even when you you carry a VISA for the US.

US-->Can(BC) Friendly people, no hassle.

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