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2000 S80t6: Loss Of Power After 105k Service


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Hello Volvo lovers,

This is my 1st official post to this forum. I'm in love with my first Volvo which happens to be a lovely 2000 S80 T6 that I bought two years ago. It's proven to be a true mistress - performing and demanding, especially now when hitting the 110k miles. Trust me that I know every single "sound and shake" of my car and I get really nervous whenever I experience a new one. Well, I've found it a little difficult to have trust in Volvo dealers around Boston, MA and so I'll bug you with your opinions and thoughts on my observations with an aging S80 T6, so please be patient with me.

My first question is about a strange behaviour of my car after a 105k regular service. I have two new symptoms:

1. real bad behaviour between cca 3500 RPM and 5000 RPM. The engine "switches between two modes" randomly - for most time it doesn't want to accelerate at all (and runs somehow silently) or it accelerates for a split of second then then becomes numb again. This is getting dangerous when accelerating on freeways. When I hit 5k RPM, it gets lovely again (for a very short time, though).

2. if I kick the accelerator too rapidly when accelerating from a full stop, the engine "chokes" and doesn't want to go at all. I have to release the accelerator to actually accelerate and press the accelerator gradually.

I'm taking the car to the dealer next week again; please advice what I should be ready for. I'm puzzled that none of that had happened before the dealer's laid his hands on the car.

I'm quite used to problems with transmission and the "check engine" light; and the performance of T6 always made me forgive all the sins of my baby. Now when it's gone, I feel betrayed ;)

Thank you,


PS: Please recommend a good and trustworthy Volvo mechanic in the Boston Metro area; or point me to resources where I could fine one. Thank you.

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Thank you for your thoughts. What I'm scared of is an expensive sequence of part-by-part replacements. When googling, I've also found suggestions regarding malfunctioning boost control selenoid or air mass meter. I'll let you know my progress after visiting the dealer on Monday.

Thank you,


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No CEL? When my timing belt was installed they were off by a cog and it took about 90 seconds for the CEL to come on. No harm done.

Find out what the dealer did at your 105K service. I've always got codes stored that I or my indy mechanic can't read. I HATE that, but Volvo always comes up with something. Try not to let them just throw parts at it.

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Yes, CEL is on; but I got used to it. It seems to be connected to gas cap/fuel tank pressure sensor (during the 105k service, they read code 4308). I was curios how often the CEL comes on; it's happening randomly (approx. every 3rd ride after erasing the code), under low/mild torque. But that's another story...

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The mechanic found an air leak in vacuum hose at intercooler pipe.

I'm not too convinced - I only drove a few miles home in a heavy traffic, but there seems to be very little to no improvement in performance above 3k RPM. Or is it the adaptive logic in engine control that needs to adopt first?


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