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Qbm 850 Amber Fogs


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OK, here's better pics as promised.

The night shots don't do the color justice. This is one of those cases where it looks better in person. The camera just can't pick up the color that perfectly. I think it's because the headlights are just overpowering (or overexposing the camera) and it's doing some funky stuff to compensate. Anyways, the color is much more accurate on the "from the behind" shots because the camera isn't facing into the light directly.

Anyways, it gives you a pretty good idea.

Yes my lip is chipped to heck and yes I know I need to relocate my horns.

Here's better pic of fogs in day:


Pic @ night with just headlights:


Pic @ night with headlights + fogs:


The following pics from behind turned out with more accurate color. You can clearly see the yellow light from the fogs. By the way you can tell I treat my lawn and my lazy ghetto neighbor doesn't (they rent anyways). Nice clover weeds that you can see stopping sharp right where my lawn starts haha ;0)

Pic from behind with just headlights:


Pic from behind with headlights and fogs:


Closeup from front with headlights and fogs:


Personally I think with the film the fog lights actually make a difference. It's probably psychological more than anything, but before with the plain white foglights, you could barely see when they were on vs when they weren't. I think the reason for that was because the fogs and headlights were the same color, so the light from the fogs got "washed out" by the headlights. Now that the light from the fogs is yellow, you can clearly see the fogs at night when you turn them on. They "fill in" the area in front of the car with light that the headlights miss.

I also ordered some higher wattage bulbs, so I'm going to see if they will make the fogs a little more useable, and make sure the heat from the higher wattage is still OK for the film. It should be OK since that's what this film is designed for. I'm also going to aim them a little higher. I think they will actually be pretty darn good for stock fogs after that.

- Slater

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