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Accelaration Surges?


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Hope I can explain this so it makes sense...

I just purchased a '02 S60 2.4T with 5sp auto trans and just under 60,000 miles. Under acceleration, say over 60% throttle it seems to surge. Feels like it builds boost then releases then builds over and over. Cycles are about a second apart. Heavier the throttle the more noticable the surge. Hope that makes sense, this is my first turbo car. It idles great and at part throttle is fine. Doesn't sound like all the ETM stuff I've been reading so any thoughts would be appreciated.



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ETM could do that ..however you may want to start simple being that it was just purchased you may want to look at the usual things air filter,plugs...it is close to the 60k service? Perhaps the previous owner did not keep up on maintenance? Or you could keep driving it and wait for a MIL light to direct you which way to go. I know it sounds simple but it's the only way I can direct you without driving it or feeling it? ;)

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Good ideas...thanks.

I was giving it another visual once over tonight and noticed what might be a cause. There's a rubber hose, and 1/2" OD that comes off the intake manifold/plenum and goes down to a sensor or two or three under the manifold. It is split where is attaches and at idle you can hear a leak if you run your finger over it. So I'm thinking it's sending faulty boost info to the computer that's doing who knows what trying to correct. I'll check with the dealer tomorrow on a new hose and clamps....

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Good ideas...thanks.

I was giving it another visual once over tonight and noticed what might be a cause. There's a rubber hose, and 1/2" OD that comes off the intake manifold/plenum and goes down to a sensor or two or three under the manifold. It is split where is attaches and at idle you can hear a leak if you run your finger over it. So I'm thinking it's sending faulty boost info to the computer that's doing who knows what trying to correct. I'll check with the dealer tomorrow on a new hose and clamps....

ah...boost leak! Your best friend!

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I fixed the leaking hose and....surge is still there. But it seems to pull harder across the board. Hard to tell but surge may be a little less...

Does anyone have any ideas of where to look? I could take it to the dealer, but don't really want a second mortgage :unsure:

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Thanks, I'll learn this stuff eventually. But no lights or warnings. The computer thinks it's happy. And yes I want to smooth power but I'm more concerned with something be damaged because of this. And I know the easy answer is keep my foot out of it. But that's not going to happen.

Side note, also replaced plugs last night, looked good for 58k though.

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Thanks, I'll learn this stuff eventually. But no lights or warnings. The computer thinks it's happy. And yes I want to smooth power but I'm more concerned with something be damaged because of this. And I know the easy answer is keep my foot out of it. But that's not going to happen.

Side note, also replaced plugs last night, looked good for 58k though.

Hope you used factory plugs ;)

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Hope I can explain this so it makes sense...

I just purchased a '02 S60 2.4T with 5sp auto trans and just under 60,000 miles. Under acceleration, say over 60% throttle it seems to surge. Feels like it builds boost then releases then builds over and over. Cycles are about a second apart. Heavier the throttle the more noticable the surge. Hope that makes sense, this is my first turbo car. It idles great and at part throttle is fine. Doesn't sound like all the ETM stuff I've been reading so any thoughts would be appreciated.



Try replacing the air filter first. It could be clogged. I have an 03 S-60 2.4T that was doing the exact same thing and that did the trick. No need to pay extra for the computer diagnostic unless this doesn't work... Make sure you use synthetic motor oil as well, sometimes the regular can cause some issues.

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Well, I now know what the problem was, after taking it to the dealer :(

It was the Turbo Boost Solonoid Valve. $48 seemed OK for a part that is 2" long .75" wide and .75" high...until I saw the labor. They charged me 1.5 hours to replace. I know that included 2 test drives, one before - one after, and a computer read I'm sure...but come on! Hour and a half for a small part the clips onto the open easy to reach side of the airbox. And the service writer told me this was most likely the cause, so they didn't have to "look" for it. This is what gives the dealers a bad name and why, if I can at all help it, they will never see my car again.

Good news though...it's fixed and has even more power than before. Just wish I could have replaced the $50 part myself in 15 minutes.....

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Actually  thats not what gives them a bad name, more on that later.  Because something cost more than what you think you should have to pay doesn't make it bad.

Not what I think...

When speaking with the service writer when I dropped off the car, he turned to somewho looked like a mech from the shop and asked him about this valve. This person responded with..."about $40-$50 for the part plus 1/2 hour to install". He also made a comment to the effect of how common these were to replace. I had no problem with that...until I get my invoice and it's billed at $129 to install. I can only deduct:

-they took a really long test drive

-they don't know what they're doing and it actually took 3 times longer to install

-or...... I shouldn't believe them when they quote work

Seems to me if a price is quoted, they should either stick to it, or call and say, "Hey we est. this, but actually......" so I as the owner am aware of the situation. All I ask for is the same common courtesy they expect from me as the customer.

But, on a better note...thank you to everyone who posted with ideas about this problem, the knowledge exchange on sites like this is great!!

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