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Accelaration Surges?


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Well the above story has quite a few more facts in it that are not in your original statement. I agree, if you were quoted one price to do something until they get an OK for addition work, then the meter should stop. Diagnostics which is hooking the car up to the VIDA cart, is generally a one hour labor charge, I don't know about every where but in the DC metro area thats what it is. With that One hour labor charge is a reading of the codes and an attempt to figure out whats wrong. If it's a hard problem and more time will be needed then you need customers permission. Bad side is if it's an easy problem and it didn't take that long to figure things out it still is One hour diagnostics fee. Then you add the part and the installing of the part. I know for simple codes like the gas cap left off, often my service writer doesn't even charge the customer.(he pays the tech but doesnt charge the customer).

I know this is off topic but I work at a dealer and when startements are made like that I'd like to know why the negative feed back.

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Bay13, I hear exactly what you're saying. And the work they did appears to be first rate. Just a little frustrating. (and I needed to vent) But I'm still focused on the issue being resolved. And if anyone else has this same problem, this little inexpensive part may be worth a look.

Tomorrow AM we head out for our first road trip since we bought it, so we'll see how it goes.

Thanks again!!

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Bay13, I hear exactly what you're saying. And the work they did appears to be first rate. Just a little frustrating. (and I needed to vent) But I'm still focused on the issue being resolved. And if anyone else has this same problem, this little inexpensive part may be worth a look.

Tomorrow AM we head out for our first road trip since we bought it, so we'll see how it goes.

Thanks again!!

Let us know how it works. I might look into replacing mine, I am still getting a little surging when I go up steep grades...

Is this a part we can replace ourselves?

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Actually  thats not what gives them a bad name, more on that later.  Because something cost more than what you think you should have to pay doesn't make it bad.

My brother was a mechanic for years (and a good one) He quit being a mechanic because everyone thought he charged too much.

Now, my experience is that the folks believe that what they charge for what they do is okay, because they are worth it, but everyone else overcharges for what they do, (even if is the same thing). I have never been able to figure that one out?

Bottom line, if a mechanic knows what is wrong just by the description, and gets it right the first time, more power to them. I find these folks to be worth every penny they charge me!

If I wanted to spend the next 10 years learning how to be good a "bending" a wrench, then I would do that. I like to flush fluids, keep the car looking good and taking it to the mechanic when I don't know what is going on. If working on cars as complicated as the ones we drive today was easy, then anyone could do it.

Enough said,


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Let us know how it works. I might look into replacing mine, I am still getting a little surging when I go up steep grades...

Is this a part we can replace ourselves?

I just got back from a 1100 mile trip over the last couple days..worked perfectly! As for replacing the part ourselves, I would. Mine is mounted to the side of the airbox in easy reach. It has a small 2 wire plug and 3 rubber hose connections.

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I just got back from a 1100 mile trip over the last couple days..worked perfectly! As for replacing the part ourselves, I would. Mine is mounted to the side of the airbox in easy reach. It has a small 2 wire plug and 3 rubber hose connections.

I want to do it. Where would be the best place to order the part? If you have any pictures post em.

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