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Looking To Buy A Second Volvo - Need Advice


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P2 makes a much better "wifes" car. Much smoother and more refined ride.

Yeah, the 01s do look tasty.

I just see how much of a bucket if bolts my 95 is, and see the 98 being like that in a few years. I don't feel like peel and sealing and felt taping every square inch of my wife's "new" car just to keep it from rattling to pieces. Know what I mean?

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Yeah, the 01s do look tasty.

I just see how much of a bucket if bolts my 95 is, and see the 98 being like that in a few years. I don't feel like peel and sealing and felt taping every square inch of my wife's "new" car just to keep it from rattling to pieces. Know what I mean?

Definately. 3 years less rattles. Put the wife behind the wheel of the two cars and I'm pretty sure the P2 will be the winner based on feel. If she's bent on the AWD I can't help you there. But remember stability control is standard on 01+ cars. Heck the one wagon might even have the better DTSC. I'd say that more than makes up for AWD for those couple times a year you might see snow.

Good luck.

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As a recent purchaser of an 01 V70 T5 I can say that it's a Darn nice car.

Yeah, its not as box'esque as my 850R but honestly, the shape is growing on me.

The ride is quite a bit more refined than the 850 IMO. I attribute that in part to

A) 850R was R suspension vs. 01 just T5 suspension.

B) 01 uses double wishbone in the rear where the 850R used trailing arm ( i think).

c) 2 generations newer technology and design.

The car is really starting to grow on me. With a chip im thinking this engine is really going to wake up. I was already having a blast playing cat n mouse with a guy in an R32 (bastard thought he could leave a station wagon, hehehhh.)

Anyhow, the wife's car comment is a yes and no. Yeah, its more refined, safer, cushier,

but the sky is the limit on what you wanna do to this car.

Engine, suspension, appearence. Check out some of the IPD, or Svenske racing stuff. NICE. Oh yeah, take a look at Johaans P2......ugly??!? I think not...


oh yeah, and the IPD VR......are you smokin crack?...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Darn...that VR is sweeet.  What is the sticker on the front panel?  Anyways, I'd go with an '02+...not an 01.  First year of the P2, and we all know that first year of anything=bad.  Consumer Reports says stay away from 01, but 02+ all good.

Prancing Moose. It's a takeoff on the Ferarri Prancing Horse. Purely for laughs. a big hit over on SS. You can order off of the following site.


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