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Informative Post From Lee Cordner


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Some good information in here from someone who has a lot of experience in planning and organizing car meets. Thought I'd share this for those of you interested in having successful GTG's in your area and to show you the amount of effort that the VCOA puts forth to offer such events to volvo enthusiasts. I'm always surprised at some of the bad mouthing that goes on about the VCOA.

Taken from a topic here on Swedespeed:


I find this discussion very interesting. I have personally organized large car shows, swap meets, track days and Autocrosses for Volvos, both at a national level and through the Golden Gate Chapter of VCOA. After 5 years of organizing the largest Volvo events in the country I have some observations.

Volvo drivers/owners are different than other enthusiasts groups I have been associated with. As a group we aren't as interested in performance, racing, autocross, etc. as say, the Porsche club. I realize I am talking to Volvo owners who ARE interested in those things, but we are the FEW.

A successful Volvo event, I have organized them as large as 300 cars, needs to have an attraction besides cars. Volvo people have families. If you want a lot of Volvos to show up somewhere there has to be something for the family to do. Hanging around a parking lot or a race track doesn't do it.

We don't enjoy the kind of manufacturers support that some other clubs do. VCOA is by far the largest Volvo enthusiasts group in the country. Volvo likes us and financially supports VCOA events, but as far as marketing to enthusiasts, they are pretty quiet.

A large meet is a BIG BIG effort for sombody. Unless you are willing to make the meet a major part of your life for 3-6 moths, put your personal financial resources on the line for hotels and catering contracts, enlist others to do detials and exert a certain amount of executive ability in making decisions, committing resources, managing people and negotiating deals, it doesn't happen.

Informal meets are rarely big. They can be fun, but as you can see from years of people attempting to organize events on the forums, they are moderately successful. That is about all you can expect. Large numbers of people won't make the committment to drive long distances unless they are pretty sure it is going to happen and be pretty good. They need reliable schedules, hotel rooms, food, and a schedule of activities. They also need to know their families won't be bored stupid. Informal meets just don't offer this kind of reliablity.

Everybody wants a the big meet to be near their house. Generally if it is by their house, they don't go. Case in point. Last year the VCOA national meet was in PA. There was lots of chatter and criticism on forums in the past about how we were nuts to have had previous meets in New England. We were assured that a PA meet would be huge. It was not nearly as large as the New England meets in past years.

I am especially amused by the suggestion to form up with SAAB! I am in contact regularly with the SAAB club and have been approached by them to do JOINT meets because they think we are more successful than they are. I haven't taken them up on it.

About 10% - 20% of VCOA members attend meets. The rest don't. I don't know why. I bet that applies to Swedespeed members, too. It is interesting to see that we think there should be more, but few of us go to the ones we have now.

We have an interesting choice. Go to the All Euro meets or do our own. I have been to the all Euro events. Volvos don't get taken very seriously there, do they? If we go it on our own, I can help. I have pretty much figured out the formula that works. If you are in California you can go to a Volvo event every 30 days. Generally that is the longest you would have to wait. We have 4 active VCOA chapters in the state and plenty of shows, drives, swap meets, etc. This is because someone is willing do to the work to make it happern. If you are interested in doing a similar thing let me know.

The VCOA naitonal meet is in Kansas City, MO this year. Registration is running pretty strong. It will be larger than the PA meet was. Check it out at http://www.vcoa.org. I love it when people, without any sort of basis, say a meet would work in some particular place. That place is always near their house. Here is my observation after 5 years: Nobody knows what will work, or where. I now have some data that says Kansas City works better than Florida or PA. If you think you have a winning formula, go try it. Best of luck. After you have it established and working, I'll show up.

Lee Cordner

President, Volvo Club of America.


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Nice post Michael. When we did the SoCal meet I think we really lucked out with our turnout. Everyone who said they'd show did. I was very surprised. I know that this is a fluke from the norm with these types of events.

I think our success really was that we set a date and said be there. Sometimes around here there are too many compromises that can damage the integrity of the event. I know SCVCOA has set GTGs every so often. If you can make it you can make it if not better luck next time.

Lee's got it right.

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All correct. I attended an Audi TT East event at Chattanooga. The city, attractions, things for families to do, and time in the schedule that was left to the driver/family made for an excellent event. Those who wanted could have skills tested at the tail of the Dragon (my 5th trip). Those who wanted could cruise to Huntsville AL and enjoy a more gracious time-warp.

A great post. Pin it?

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Guest DougK

I know VCOA takes alot of flack on this forum, but as a member who's BTDT in multiple clubs, run many chapters and put on some HUGE shows, I feel Lee's pain. It is a ton of work.

I think the BEST thing Pat has going for him is he's piggy backing on a VCOA run and cordinated event. Racing, bbq, cars, ladies, the ocean? Can't go wrong there... this has the potential to be one of the MOST enjoyable events that "we've" put on period, bar none. We had an absolutely blast at SpeedGT, theresa included. SpeedGT is the exact same way, lots of racing, not drawn out all day. Its awsome!

Plus, Monteray (and Santa Cruz) has lots of fun stuff to do while your there besides cars. I always enjoy it down there. The best thing, we have 3 months of time to plan, and Pat and I both have RECORDS of putting on events.

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I think the BEST thing Pat has going for him is he's piggy backing on a VCOA run and cordinated event. Racing, bbq, cars, ladies, the ocean? Can't go wrong there... this has the potential to be one of the MOST enjoyable events that "we've" put on period, bar none. We had an absolutely blast at SpeedGT, theresa included. SpeedGT is the exact same way, lots of racing, not drawn out all day. Its awsome!

Doug I wasn't directing this at anyone, especially Pat. I'm sure that the BBQ will be a lot of fun combined with the Speed GT race, I'm with you in that last year I had a great time.

I've talked with Lee many times about putting on meets and what all goes into making them work and when he finally put this up I thought that I'd share it with the forum. Sort of wish he included his whole 300 mile radius idea in the thread :)

Since my time in the volvo aftermarket my personal feeling is that the number of volvo performance enthusiasts is far too small to not work together to put on meets. I don't see re-inventing the wheel as a way to further grow volvo enthusiasts. I see the VCOA as a great way to grow the volvo enthusiast sector since it is already a pre-existing entity and has the structure and organization needed for successful gatherings and growth.

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I think this event will be planned very well. There are several incentives to go, such as the SpeedGT, the BBQ, the fact that it is a WEST COAST meet, and that alot of the companies are pouring out support for the event. The prizes alone should bring people in. I've had some great offers, such as a free chip from RICA, free hats and shirts, decals, gift certificates, performance products, strut braces, and MUCH more. Everything is still all coming together slowly, but we have till October, so I think by mid September things will be looking really good! I, for one, am not willing to drive across the country for a Volvo meet, so this is a good option for those who think like me :)

Either way, Lee has provided some great info for us, and we will take advantage of it, and organize things as best as possible with such a small forum to go through! This event should set the pace for future events, trust me! :)

One thing I did just realize after reading what Lee has to say, is that we do need to get better organized in the food/lodging dept. It would be great to all stay in one place, and have food organized rather than making reservations for hundreds of people one day before the event, which is impossible. I will talk to Pat about this, and I hope Dougy and some other people familiar with the area can chime in and get the ball rolling on that!


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Guest DougK

I will talk to Pat about this, and I hope Dougy and some other people familiar with the area can chime in and get the ball rolling on that!


Im thinking the SeaCliff in in Aptos again. Puts us close to Pats, reasonably close to Laguna Seca, very close to Santa Cruz + it has food, a bar and a large parking lot. Plus, it wasn't that expensive.

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Guest DougK

150 a night.. ya that was super cheap.

wait.. no it wasn't.

Welcome to CA and the coast man. Trust me, its very affordable for out there. Split the room 2 ways and its not bad at all.. heck you could easily sleep 4 to a room and make it CHEAP.

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One thing I did just realize after reading what Lee has to say, is that we do need to get better organized in the food/lodging dept.  It would be great to all stay in one place, and have food organized rather than making reservations for hundreds of people one day before the event, which is impossible.

that's part of the problem...diff ppl have diff needs..

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Welcome to CA and the coast man. Trust me, its very affordable for out there. Split the room 2 ways and its not bad at all.. heck you could easily sleep 4 to a room and make it CHEAP.

yeah, i'm just kidding.

i'm all about cheap hotels.. it gets just as dark at the motel 6, as it does at the Ritz.

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that's part of the problem...diff ppl have diff needs..

well, i can understand that people may not be able to afford the same hotels as others and so forth, but as far as food is concerned, for such a large crowd, anywhere we plan it will be the same....~$15 per head no matter if we get catered or if we go out...

Hotels, now that's a whole different story!

How far is Stockton from Los Aptos, anyone know?

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I think this event will be planned very well.  There are several incentives to go, such as the SpeedGT, the BBQ, the fact that it is a WEST COAST meet, and that alot of the companies are pouring out support for the event.  The prizes alone should bring people in.  I've had some great offers, such as a free chip from RICA, free hats and shirts, decals, gift certificates, performance products, strut braces, and MUCH more.  Everything is still all coming together slowly, but we have till October, so I think by mid September things will be looking really good!  I, for one, am not willing to drive across the country for a Volvo meet, so this is a good option for those who think like me :)

Either way, Lee has provided some great info for us, and we will take advantage of it, and organize things as best as possible with such a small forum to go through!  This event should set the pace for future events, trust me! :)

One thing I did just realize after reading what Lee has to say, is that we do need to get better organized in the food/lodging dept.  It would be great to all stay in one place, and have food organized rather than making reservations for hundreds of people one day before the event, which is impossible.  I will talk to Pat about this, and I hope Dougy and some other people familiar with the area can chime in and get the ball rolling on that!


Again, as I mentioned to Doug, this was not posted in response to the Santa Cruz GTG. I'm sure that it will be a great event and any posts that I made in that topic were to simply make things easier on those organizing the meet. Like I've said, why re-invent the wheel?

If anything, I hope that this posts helps to bring various volvo enthusiasts together instead of creating outlying factions.

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