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Worse Then When My 93 Was Totaled


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Well, I'm going to try to summerize this into as few words as possible. As I had mentioned in another post my car was brought into the shop last week to have the deep scratch to the side of the car taken out. Well today, I took a half day because the guy at the shop was going to finish buffing the car and finish all the final details on it. Well, needless to say they notice that the car had been painted another color at one time. We dig deeper and find that the car was hit in the drivers side rear quarter panel. Not that bad right? Wrong. The guys at the shop start to become curious of these weld marks on the back panel so they ask me if they can take out the back seat and the carpeting because, well they fear there's more to this then what we see. Well, they were right. At one time, my car was totaled and never reported to an insurance company or anything. The guy who sold it to me obviously knew of this. Why? After taking out much of the interior in the back they discovered that a whole half of a car was welded into place because the car was hit so hard from behind. The guys at the shop said they did a really good job of putting everything back together but weld marks can't be hidden. So at this point right now I'm in total shock. All I know is this guy and the company he works for is going to get the sh*t sued out of him. It hurts so bad now to know that I have to give this car up and the chances of finding another R with such low mileage is going to be hard to come by. I don't wanna give the car up but for my own safety it's extremely dangerous to be taking such a chance. I have alot going in my favor right now, which is good considering I documented everything I did to the car and what happened with the process of the car the entire time. Just wanted to let you know this and vent somewhat. I feel more embarassed then anything that I didnt find this out from the begining but then again I don't know how I would have known. But no matter what I do and how long I'm going to be out of a car now, I wll continue to be apart of the Volvo community and on this board. This isn't going to take me away from owning another Volvo.

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Guest Guest_Kenan

Oh god...I feel sorry for you. What sort of a jackass would do that? I personally hope that you get as much money from the nice guy as possible. I honestly felt sick when you said that it was half of another car welded in....I wonder what happened to the front of it? If you can't get as much as you want from him, at least beat the crap out of him, no Volvo (or half of a Volvo) deserves to have that done. I also wonder what funnyhole body shop did the work, they shouldn't be in the business period.

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oh, I'm going to make sure that jobs are lost, people are sued and I have justice. This is something that no one should be put through, regardless if it's a Volvo or not. I'm going to make sure people pay, trust me.

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Wow thats TERRIBLE! Did you buy that car in the past 6months or so? I remember at some point talking to someone up New England or somewhere up that way, North of me, with a black 854R with obscenely low miles.

Good luck with it, sue the pants off that fizzucker. Good luck on the R search, I looked for over 6months to find mine.


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ya I bought it within 6 months so the law is in my favor. The only thing was I purchased out of my home state (NY), I bought it out of PA so I think that might cause some slow down in this.

I dunno if I'll be able to find an R like you said anytime soon. It sux so bad that I had one just one that was just not right :/

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no, I know it deff was this guy. The delayed process (close to 2 months to get the title from PA), the "this is final, you know it's final now" talk when I bought the car, it's starting to add up. I know this a** knows about this and figured I'd never find out about this.

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That's jacked that he did that to you.. as much as I hate lawyers and courts (and believe me, there's little I hate more), I hope you take this mothermonkeyer to court and bancrupt him. I'm sick off poking bastards screwing people over all the time. I mean, seriously, is a little bit of decency too much to ask? I swear, we need to start cleaning out the damned gene pool... (and, as I say that, I've got the voice of The Postal Dude in the back of my head saying "The gene pool is stagnant, and I am the Minister of Chlorine!"... incidentally, I look just like him, or did until I grew a mustache so as to not look like him).

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Second that. After nearly being ripped off by a reputable Volvo dealer, I now know that no one can be trusted at their word. And it pisses me off because I am not cynical, I trust people. Now because of that I have to be cynical. People have forgotten about two things: character and karma.

Take the scumbag down.

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