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Texas...guess who i'm voting for?

did yall hear that kerry flipped off a vet at the vietnam memorial on memorial day? it was the guy who is heading up vietnam veterans against kerry, he pissed kerry off, so kerry flipped him off in front of a class of school kids that he was talking to.

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  • 2 weeks later...

:lol: :lol: and :lol:

I seem to remember posting that before - where the f* did it go? :angry:

(Note: Angry at computer, its been failing to send data lately, I've had to retype posts a few times. <_<)

I delete the worthless ones (try to anyway), sorry. This thread is long enough without posts that only contain name-calling or smileys. :rolleyes:

Edited by swdracr
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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't forget Kerry's Tax plan:


And his record on wasteful spending. Scroll down to Massachusetts.


It is really insteresting to watch him run to the far left for the primaries. Well not much of a run since he was already there. And then run to the middle and hope all of us forgot what he said earlier. This is unfortunately standard behavior. It is even more interesting how they try to spin his extremely liberal record into being moderate and tough on defence.

I guess the moral of the story is get informed. Look for yourself and keep a critical eye out. Don't just look at candidates through "R" or "D" colored glasses. Don't get fooled by creative spin by people who get paid to lie to you and get people elected. If somebody has a history of being one way all of their political career they aren't going to change their views overnight just because they are in a presidential race.

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We should also post what state we are from since this election will probably be close and is supposed to come down to just a couple swing states I believe.


Interesting, I am from Tampa, and a staunch conservative... but did you know that Miami has a suburb named "Kendall". I just thought you might like to now!

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Interesting, I am from Tampa, and a staunch conservative... but did you know that Miami has a suburb named "Kendall".  I just thought you might like to now!

You're a staunch conservative? I bet you're mad as hell right now at George W. Bush for screwing up the good name of conservatives by hijacking the term for his own use. Who's the Libertarian candidate for President this time around? Are you giving serious thought to casting a 'protest vote' for the Libertarian?

The base word of conservative is CONSERVE. It's obvious by his actions that Dubya is not what we call a conservative, traditionally.

1) Environment - He rolled back decades of stricter emissions rules, CAFE fuel economy standards, Kyoto Clean Air Treaty, allowing 800 snow mobiles in Yellowstone per day, eliminating rules requiring power plants to upgrade to clean-burn technologies, etc. Years of progressivism torn down for the folly of a few.

2) Economy - In a very un-conservative fashion he squandered the Clinton budget surplus and created a $400 BILLION a year deficit in order to give his rich friends big tax breaks, all the while creating a new $55 billion a year Medicare prescription entitlement, further bankrupting the Feds.

3) Defense - Has committed so much of our defense to occupying Iraq that it has left us vulnerable elsewhere in the world. If something were to occur in North Korea, Taiwan or Hong Kong, we'd be unprepared to provide support. Not a conservative use of our army, if I do say so.

4) Education - He created an unfunded mandate called "Leave No Child Behind" that has been officially rejected by 12 State Legislatures. Showing his best 'conservative' side, he's also promoted the idea of giving up on public schools and providing government-sponsored school vouchers. Long established public institutions can be brushed aside in this new-breed-conservative, apparently.

Do you have anything else to add to my list of "non-conservative conservatism" that I've missed? Many of my conservative-leaning friends are just livid at what GWB has done to our country.....


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3) Defense - Has committed so much of our defense to occupying Iraq that it has left us vulnerable elsewhere in the world. If something were to occur in North Korea, Taiwan or Hong Kong, we'd be unprepared to provide support. Not a conservative use of our army, if I do say so.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: That's the dumbest thing I have ever heard!

.....Clinton budget surplus......

:blink::blink: ??????? What surplus?

1) Environment - He rolled back decades of stricter emissions rules, CAFE fuel economy standards, Kyoto Clean Air Treaty, allowing 800 snow mobiles in Yellowstone per day, eliminating rules requiring power plants to upgrade to clean-burn technologies, etc. Years of progressivism torn down for the folly of a few.

Your point is......????? :huh: God I really wish I could build my house, but that tree, I just can't bear to cut it down! So I will just live this box, recycled box of course. *deep breath* yeah this is the life! :lol::lol: Please! Save us the hippy tree huggin stuff!

allowing 800 snow mobiles in Yellowstone per day,

That bastard!

Edited by gdogg16
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No, I'm not!

He already has my vote in the upcoming election. Any other questions?

Sure, here's some questions:

A) What do you think of the rest of the points of my previous post? Care to respond, or are you going to quote this post short as well?

B ) How is Bush anything other than a RADICAL? Do not actions/policies speak volumes in his case? If he's a conservative, he would put forth conservative policies rather than creating brand new $55 billion a year entitlement programs at the same time he puts us into record deficit spending by giving a $1.3 trillion tax cut to the wealthy, no?

C) Would a conservative break decades-old treaties like the Anti-Ballastic Missle treaty? How about throwing the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in the toilet? Conservative move? Kyoto Clean Air? The U.S. has 5% of the world's population and uses 40% of the world's oil, don't we have an obligation to set an example?

D) Would a conservative break a 220 year tradition of separation of church and state and create a department of Faith Based Initiatives? The Federal government funding religious charities?!

E) Would a conservative think that the Constitution is something we should just mess around with?

1) Bush supports Constitutional amendment granting victims of violent crimes certain rights.

2) Bush supports Constitutional amendment specifically denying the right to gay marriage or unions.

3) Bush supports Consitutional amendment making abortion illegal except in cases of rape, incest, or to portect the health of the mother.

4) Bush supports Constitutional amendment to allow prayer in public schools.

5) Bush supports Constitutional amendment making flag-burning illegal.

Five! Count 'em, no less than five amendments he'd add!!

How about addressing some of these things rather than dodging the issues?


Edited by Dana
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Do you have anything else to add to my list of "non-conservative conservatism" that I've missed? Many of my conservative-leaning friends are just livid at what GWB has done to our country.....

Bush is a moderate. He ran as a moderate in 2000. It is the media that paints him as ultra conservative. Are you saying you are conservative? If so then you would have to know that most of what you said are liberal talking points and mostly exaggeration. Plus if you think Bush isn't conservative what do you consider Kerry? Kerry makes most hardcore liberals seem moderate by comparrison why do you seem to echo what his party is saying about Bush and think it is other than political spin? Granted Bush isn't the best, but no other candidate comes close in my view.

Point 1. That is nothing but spin. Kyoto is nothing, but an economic equalizer attempting to bring the worlds strongest economy down. That would be us. All of those laws you talked about are the reason California is so screwed when it comes to power.

Point 2. Pure B.S. spin on your part. The Clinton surplus was smoke and mirrors. The economy was headed down before he left office. The tech stock bubble made things seem ok, but when it burst we found out that it was nothing but air. The tax breaks went to everybody and if you haven't noticed the economy is doing very well now. Never mind the effect of 9/11 and our millitary action afterwards.

Point 3. Even worse B.S. than #2. Who is the person who downsized the millitary more than anybody in history?..... Oh, that would be Bill Clinton. He left our millitary a shadow of what it once was, but we still have more than enough troops to kick jerk all over the world if need be. Why do you think we have aircraft carriers and portable nukes?

Part 4. The public education system was a poking joke before Bush took office. We spend more per student than anybody in the world and have bad results to show for it on average. Liberals have been running education for years and look how bad it has been and they want to all of a sudden blame Bush for trying to do something different? Try blaming Teddy Kennedy and the bend over for the union Democrats for caving for the NEA who pay $100,000 for school 'administrators' but hardly pay teachers 25,000 a year. They even had one guy who made $150K a year, but couldn't pass the highschool equivalency test. He fired teachers for not being able to pass it, but when he failed many times he kept his $150K job. Don't even start with me on this. I have friends who are school teachers and know just how freaking bad it is.

Differing opinons are great, but if you want to argue at least bring some facts and not "elect Kerry" talking points that are so far from true that it isn't even funny. Especially if the whole premise is that you are a disenfranchised conservative. Which you are not if you believe any one of those things that you said.

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B ) How is Bush anything other than a RADICAL? Do not actions/policies speak volumes in his case? If he's a conservative, he would put forth conservative policies rather than creating brand new $55 billion a year entitlement programs at the same time he puts us into record deficit spending by giving a $1.3 trillion tax cut to the wealthy, no?

Yeah, that was all his doing. :rolleyes: Don't forget that it was a campaign promise of his. This was a bipartisan effort that both sides wrote. You can't pin the whole thing on Bush. Tax cuts for the wealthy. Now there is an original statement. Same old line for the last 50 years. Please come up with something new. It is B.S. anyway since a tax cut is a tax cut no matter how much you make. If you make more percentages are bigger.

C) Would a conservative break decades-old treaties like the Anti-Ballastic Missle treaty? How about throwing the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in the toilet? Conservative move? Kyoto Clean Air? The U.S. has 5% of the world's population and uses 40% of the world's oil, don't we have an obligation to set an example?


D) Would a conservative break a 220 year tradition of separation of church and state and create a department of Faith Based Initiatives? The Federal government funding religious charities?!

There is absolutely no such thing as Separation of Church and state. It is an anti religion fanatic invented term to try and get rid of religion. Lets refresh. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;..." We can have as much religion as we want as long as we don't have the state mandating one.

E) Would a conservative think that the Constitution is something we should just mess around with?

1) Bush supports Constitutional amendment granting victims of violent crimes certain rights.

This is terrible! Giving rights to victims! I thought only criminals had rights. The horror!

2) Bush supports Constitutional amendment specifically denying the right to gay marriage or unions.

Marriage is not a right. In fact it is a religious ritual that the state decided to subsidise and make secular as well. He wouldn't be doing that at all except for activist judges breaking the law and trying to legislate this from the bench. Something that judges aren't allowed to do, but that isn't stopping them. Plus taking marriage seriously is a very conservative issue.

3) Bush supports Consitutional amendment making abortion illegal except in cases of rape, incest, or to portect the health of the mother.
Again a conservative position for many, many years.

4) Bush supports Constitutional amendment to allow prayer in public schools.

See above. This is a right given to us by the constitution already. The fact that it is even in question means that the system has become very twisted. Though again a very conservative position. Bush takes his religion seriously and does have traditional conservative values as do most people who are Christian. Some exceptions being Kerry and Kennedy who are Catholic, but hold values that are completely against Church teaching and not the small teachings.

5) Bush supports Constitutional amendment making flag-burning illegal.
Yeah, I know this is tough for you knowing that some of us think sticking up for our flag is worthwhile. Again this has been an issue that most American's support for quite a while. Any more B.S. you want to throw out there?
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