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Wow man, I am soooo sorry! :( I feel your pain.

My best advice is: keep your head up, tell yourself that it was just a car that can be replaced. Insurance will help you out and give you money to get a new car.

What exactly happened if you don't mind me asking?

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OMG...I saw that you posted and my stomach just dropped. I personally LOVE the S40 T5 AWD. That TOTALLY sucks!

short story (title reminded me of it):

My cousin a couple years ago owned a '98 (i think) 2 door Tahoe Sport edition with 4wd. So he's sitting at a stop light and all of the sudden he feels a thump...gets out of the car to see that a little Honda has rear-ended him. His trailer ball went thru her radiator. He looks at her and says..."well...mine will buff out."

Man I love that story :lol:

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That should polish right out....

Seriously though, glad you're OK!

haha yeah i been cracking jokes all day... laugh it off is my moto <_<

thanks though

Wow man, I am soooo sorry! :( I feel your pain.

My best advice is: keep your head up, tell yourself that it was just a car that can be replaced. Insurance will help you out and give you money to get a new car.

What exactly happened if you don't mind me asking?

Well i have full coverage on the car but i think the insurance will just pay the rest of the loan off and i will walk away with nothing. Least i won't be working for the next 4 years for a car i don't own.

I was driving in the slow lane coming home from work doing about 70 since the slow lane was clear for a good 10 car's and everyone else was driving 10-15mph sower than me to my left, all of a sudden a big moving truck merges so he dosen't miss his exit and turn's as he turns his blinker's on out of nowhere.. and he's doing about 55mph so i have no time to even brake so i swirve into the emergency lane all the way on the right to avoid an accident and i loose control and start doing S turns and i hit the wall then my car get's thrown into the gas tank of this moving truck head on then i spin out in front of him and he misses me by a foot or else he would have crushed me. I almost rolled out into traffic after i was coming to a stop and barely missed this mustang from side swiping me.. almost became a pinball.

your fault?  Glad you're ok!

Im alright.. very upset that I don't have my car anymore.. but i should be very fortunate to just be here and some people don't even have car's or even bed's to sleep in right now (new orleans) but it's still upsetting to loose my car :(

No not my fault.

I am assuming you didn't hit a fuel truck.  If you hit a diesel tank on a truck and that leaked out, it isn't likely to combust without a lot of heat, i.e. flames.

t was the biggest white moving truck i have ever seen i don't know why it didn't catch fire because even regular fuel would have toasted me if it caught fire.. i'll try to get pictures of the truck but i slammed right into his gas tank and it leaked gas all over... I instantly threw sand all over the gas as much as i could so it didn't spread.

I thank everyone for thier support, and i can honestly say "because i drive a volvo, I survived that"

...I almost bought a GTI too :o

Yeah for sure i would have been done for.

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