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End Of The Week From Hell


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this is just a long ranting about my end of week...its kinda short, but you may get the idea.

it all starts on thursday morning.

i work for an office on Long Island, and i have to go to Manhattan (NYC) to take care of some business for the firm. I take my big Ford truck that the company has provided me for driving around to look at projects, etc. i get out of Mid Town tunnel on 37th St, and as I go over 3rd ave, BANGCREEEEEEEK RRRRRRRRRSQWEEEESHRRRRRR. truck is inoperable. so, not knowing what it was, and trying to just get the heck out of the middle of the intersection, i gas it and shove it off the middle if the intersection, as every hot, cute, gorgeous, executive woman looks at me in dispair from the god awful noise. Result, ball joint broken, wheel is tucked DEEP into fender, remaining od control arm on ground...NICE. takes me 45 minutes to get a tow truck to send it back to LI ($450 cash)...I hop a taxi to get to my meeting, and only show up 5 min late. hop a cab to go to Avis, and came back to the office in a '05 Ford Focus, and because of the rental, I had to cancel an interview I had with another company (I'm also looking for another employer). The propsect employers was cool and he understood, and we postponed to fri @ 4pm. Get back to the office and do some stuff...stayed until 5:00 to finish up the day, usually get out at 330. GGRRR!

Friday morning i take the focus into queens for another two meetings...as i go to the second one, all is well. I park inLong Island City in a place that looked fine to park (i looked!). So I'm up in the architects office and about to leave the one of them asks "het, where d'you park?"...i say "down there...wait..its not there." so he goes "are you sure?" Isay "yeah, i must have lost my bearing getting into the building and your office...i though tit was there"....well, I go out, and sure enough...it was gone. Here's where the fun starts.

I call every agency in NYC to see who has this rental car, and no one knows anything about it. I cancel my personal phone that i left in there, and i call the police to get a report going, since no towing service has record. i wait 1hr for ther police standing on the corner..i call again, and they say i have to be 'patient'...i waint another hour and start goingnuts. i called the 108th precinct for directions. took a cab back to LI so i could make the interview on time (it went well, too) camr home showered, went back to Long Island City, 108th precinct to see if the cat got towed..after waiting for 1:45 i got attended...the Sanitation Dpt took the focus. got home at 11:00.

now, saturday, i have to go to the impound lot in maspeth to get the car, IF they are open on saturday, and pray for no damage.

could someone get into the group buy and make it 16 people so I can have a good weekend, please?? :rolleyes:

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dang dude, that sucks big time, i would hate it if I had my car towed... lucky it was a rental? you got insurance right?

my car was scraped in the parking lot my school, I'm gonna kill who ever did it. ...even though its like someone took a file to the plastic part of the bumper, and went down it 5 inches... just really pissed me off.

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